What’s in the Bag – Redux



In my redesign of this task, I choose to incorporate a wider variety of available designs (NLG, 1996) including audio designs (narration, music, and sound effects), visual design (palette, movement, vectors), and linguistic design (information structure, delivery, vocabulary). In this process of redesigning, I believe the presentation has changed in the way it will be used by others; the blend of visual and audio elements and the movement of the video format affords consuming the information with a “horizontal” understanding with little depth, as described by Frye (1963). A more in-depth or “vertical” understanding would require multiple viewings. Some of the information is communicated only in the audio track, and some is only in the small print in the text titles. The sound effects, and one music track, also provide additional information. I think, in comparing this presentation and the original, that the audio-visual, multi-literal semiotic mode affords a transmission of information in broad strokes, but writing or single-mode presentation (just oration, for instance) affords the transmission of information in depth, with a narrow focus.