Futurist Thoughts – Part 1

Subject:                       McBannon, Bruce
ID: 765 235 158 A2
Age:                             32
Gender:                   M (Static)
Classification:              Educator Class 5
Patriot Level:               13
Contentment:             52
Retail Engagement:    65
Primary Networks:      A
Romance Networks: 1
Sexual Networks: 1
Personal Success: 84
Client Success: 46

=> Generate Recommendation?  (Y/N)

Louise stared at the screen for a moment, and reflected on how much she disliked this part of her tasking. As Principal of Primary Education Compartment 46, it was her duty to process the annual performance reviews of the educators within her Compartment. Louise was old enough to remember when she might have had a face-to-face meeting with McBannon; old enough to remember when clients were called students or children; old enough to remember when everyone  would travel to and meet in the same physical building. That, of course, was before the Pandemic. Before the government out-sourced education to MetaGooApSoft. The promise of next-gen AI increasing efficiencies, lowering costs, and providing personalized educational experiences to all learners, was not only enticing, but irresistible to higher-ups in their quest to divert funding to heath care. Now that the vote-rich demographic of those 65 and older made up 80% of the population, quality health care was the only thing that mattered to the politicians.

Prior to approving the AI recommendation, Louise decided that she would, just for old-times’ sake, have a look in at McBannon’s class to observe him “in action”, as it were. She put on the headset and gloves, and said “Hey, Siri: take me to McBaannon’s class”.

The drop opens easily with the slight touch of her hand, although she still feels awkward opening doors without the twisting motion of her wrist. She can first hear McBannon’s calm, yet attention-demanding voice giving instructions to the class for today’s science activity. Once fully inside, she can see McBannon’s avatar walking around the room, stopping to assist some clients’ avatars manipulate the variables in the simulations. Some of the avatars are working alone, some are working in small groups, but all are engaged and intent on their tasks. Louise glances at her watch to check more of the stats:

Avg. Engagement: 92
Avg. Emotion: 89
Avg. Cerebral Stimulation: 93
Avg. Relational Purchases: 42

Observing more closely as she walks through the room (she has interactivity set for minimum), Louise smiles as she notes that the clients are each engaged in slightly different tasks, and that McBannon clearly is referencing the TutorAI output before his avatar interacts with each client, giving positive feedback first, a prompt second, and a compliment third. The interactions are specific to each client, and correspond precisely with the client’s stage of progress for the activity.  This is going well, she thinks, as she exits the room.

Louise put down the headset and gloves, and returned her attention to the screen,

=> Generate Recommendation?  (Y/N)

and entered “Y”.

Recommend Non-Renewal of Service for McBannon, Bruce, ID 765 235 158 A2

Louise sighed, and wondered if she would ever be able to figure out how the HRAdminAI made its recommendations.

2 thoughts on “Futurist Thoughts – Part 1

  1. katherine muzyka

    I liked the view of her screen that you included throughout with the stats. It really added to the story.

    1. allan carmichael Post author

      Thanks, Katherine. It looked even better when I drafted in Pages, because I put the screen text in Chicago font, one of Apple’s original system 6, system 7 fonts for the original Macintosh.


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