October 2022

IP#7: Digital Labour

Please view the VideoScribe link for animation:



Crawford, K. (2021). Atlas of AI Yale University Press.

Duffy, B. E. (2017). Entrepreneurial Wishes and Career Dreams. (Not) getting paid to do what you love: Gender, social media, and aspirational work. (p1-11)Yale University Press.

Ozimek, A (2019) Outsourcing Digital Game Production: The Case of Polish Testers. Contested Formations of Digital Labor. Television & New Media.


ETEC 511 Tipping Point: Critical Case Study Proposal

Group Members: Jocelyn Fung & Nicolas Robitaille

Topic: The displacement of analog portfolios to digital portfolios

Student portfolios have long been used as a form of assessment and documentation to showcase products of learning and evidence of growth over time. Before digital portfolios, the collection of student work would primarily be analog, like the submission of a final assignment that is tucked inside a physical folder bursting with papers for parents to observe at certain checkpoints throughout the year. In many cases, these physical portfolios were assembled by teachers themselves or highly curated by them, rather than the learners. Digital portfolios, by contrast, are versatile learning tools that allow for the inclusion of multimodal elements  which gives students agency and voice to visualize their learning progress. We will examine how the technological change from analog to digital portfolios has impacted education from an attentional lens and forms the foundation for student agency.