Task 3: Voice to Text Task

Below is my unscripted story about my wedding day:
The story that I’ll be telling today is about my wedding day I got married in August of 2018 it was actually a very good summer in the sense that it we had good weather there almost the entire August all except for my wedding day where it decided to pour rain and the next day it was sunny again people might tell you that getting married and having it rain is good luck that only comes from wedding guests but not the people who actually had their wedding on a rainy day supposed to say it did not start off great we had hoped that the weather would change in the mid-morning and the venue assured us that we can let them know by noon whether or not to switch from the outdoor option to the indoor option however at 9 a.m. they called us a we have to make a decision send in there which caused a lot of stress for my wife and I ultimately we decided to do the indoor option but we are able to compromise and have it at the front entryway which is covered instead of actually inside of the dining area Besides eating to change how the ceremony was going to look the rain also caused a whole slew of other problems for example and create a lot of traffic behind schedule as we had a lot of places we wanted to take photos in the first stop was my in-laws house and everything went fine there we took pictures everyone’s family we had a traditional tea ceremony for her family and the photographer is got everything recorded there but then the issue started when we needed to go to my parents house for our tea ceremony photos and family photos upon our arrival to our to my parents place a car accident just happened at the intersection where our driver was going to drop us off as a result there were a lot of emergency vehicles and so the driver could not stop us and we’re close to my parents house so we had to stop a block away and walk in the rain for the guys that was fine since we’re wearing suits watch for my wife in a wedding dress this was quite the adventure to walk a block in pouring rain we had umbrellas the experience. To add on to that there was some how some miscommunication where I had confirmed to the photographers that the next location would be my parents house in Burnaby however they went to my place in Coquitlam to get ready for the first look photos and we waited for almost half an hour before they told us that they were at the place and at the end we needed my parents friends to just help us take pictures so it kind of took away from that moment for my parents as they didn’t get the same type of photos. because we were waiting so long for photographers arrive at my place only to find out that they weren’t coming it wasted a lot of time so we had to rush out of my parents place and head back to my place to get to get our first look photos on to get ready for the actual ceremony when we arrived at my place the photographer is weren’t there waiting for us they ended up for some strange reason decided to go get coffee and lunch even though we told them that we were on our way so we needed to wait for them for another 10 minutes which further delayed our schedule after that all the photos at my place went fine and we went to downtown us to take some more kind of Scenic wedding photos and we did it by The Front Street and the photos went great but then suddenly the limousine driver told us that or booking was only until 3 p.m. and that she needed to go we asked if we can just pay for having to stay and he said unfortunately he couldn’t so he basically left us stranded at that location luckily the photographer is nice enough to let us carpool and their car and we were able to get one of our friends to drive the rest of the wedding party to the venue by the time we got to the venue we were about half an hour behind schedule so everything was pushed by 30 minutes and we actually had all these outdoor party games that people can play while waiting such as giant Jenga and giant tic tac toe but due to the rain a lot of that was not seeing by the guests and there was just kind of an undercover area and not enough people went there when we got to the venue the ceremony went flawlessly and everyone was very see if I how it went and complimentary of how beautiful everything looks and somehow we’re able to squeeze some time in and get a few more photos in a nearby park and then the dinner ceremony or dinner reception happened and over all that went fine however when it kind of It Came time to for speeches what usually happens after the dinner portion a lot of my parents friends had left because it had a flight to fly back the next morning so when all the photos were taken of them listen to the speech in the video of them listen to the speech of on the two of them sitting in a large table so that didn’t look the greatest but they were able to edit that part out but just the Optics of it to everyone else did not look great despite all that happened my wife and I still had a great time no one knew of everything that happened behind-the-scenes and everyone thought that it was a beautiful wedding and enjoy themselves as well so all in all it went to out when turned out to be a great day there was just a lot of hiccups along the way that we have to deal with but that’s how I’m able to tell the story about it now if everything like fall asleep I probably wouldn’t have been able to tell the story. 

My unscripted story deviated greatly from conventional written English. So much to the point that it was painful to read it. There is hardly any punctuation found in this entry and it is one giant paragraph. As a result of the lack of punctuation, there is also little capitalization in the entry as well. I used Google Docs and it did say that I could say the word “period” and “new line” to create a period or make a new paragraph but that would ruin the flow of the story and also sound unnatural as I am speaking.

In terms of what was wrong in the text, it misinterpreted some of my words, especially the shorter words such as “as” or “he/she” and I noticed that if I didn’t enunciate words, it would convert it incorrectly, like what happened for the word “suffice” where instead, it recorded it as “supposed” as well as “eating” instead of “needing”. With that said, I was also surprised by the amount that it got right in its recording. It knew to capitalize proper nouns like Burnaby and Coquitlam but it did not recognize slang like when I said “downtown New West”, it took it as “downtown us”. There were also no spelling errors in the entire entry since the program would only find words it knows how to spell, it even caught the hyphenated words like mid-morning and the periods needed for “a.m.” which was a pleasant surprise. I also appreciated that it skipped over a lot of the rambling/thinking words like “umm” or “like” which was impressive and without it doing that, the story would have made even less sense.

As stated earlier, a common mistake would be the lack of punctuation found in the entry. I consider these to be mistakes because the program did not catch on to the pauses made in the speech to clue in that either a comma or period was needed. Instead, the program just continued on with the sentence even though there was a long pause. It is also considered a mistake because without the proper punctuation, the message isn’t communicated properly. The reader focuses more on trying to understand the actual writing and correcting the English conventions instead of focusing on the story itself.

A scripted story would have been organized in paragraphs with proper punctuation. I am able to make sense of the story while reading it in my head because I have the context and background information of the story but I think that if a stranger were to read it the way it is now, they would have a hard time understanding it. I would also go into more detail in specific parts of the story to help readers understand my story more but I chose not to do this while telling the story orally because I felt like I was rambling.

Oral storytelling differs from written storytelling in the way that we often need to interpret written stories in a more literal sense as we miss many of the nuances of speech, like expression and body language. In oral storytelling, we can use sarcasm more simply than with written storytelling. Through SMS, Whatsapp, and Facebook Messenger miscommunication often happens because what the sender meant to say, was interpreted entirely differently by the receiver. Without body language and tone/expression, we can only read things literally unless we really know the sender well and can imagine them speaking but again, notice that we need to imagine them speaking orally. I find oral storytelling to be more engaging and a more active process for the listener compared to written storytelling. There is more to pay attention to when telling stories orally. You need to be aware of pacing, tone, expression, and body language, in addition to giving enough details to keep the listener engaged. Whereas for written storytelling, you need to focus on the descriptive details and writing mechanics to keep the reader interested. In both you have to be detailed enough that the audience understands what you’re conveying but also not too detailed that it becomes a ramble or overload them with information.

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