Linking Assignments

Linking Assignment #1

Meipsy’s post was one that I connected to as we shared the same struggles when it came to creating our emoji stories. Our process was similar in the sense that we came up with the emojis for our titles relatively easily but had more difficulty when we had to explain the plot due to the limited amount of emojis. She is able to connect the reading from Bolter into her own work and add her own take on it.

In terms of her webpage, I love how readers can learn who she is based on her design as she has personalized the page and really put her stamp on it.

Linking Assignment #2

Voice to Text (Task 3)

James’ post was one that I connected to as we both had similar thoughts regarding how the program was not catching where punctuation needed to be placed. However, the program did manage to catch the main parts of the message we wanted conveyed despite lacking in punctuation.

James does a great job of making reference to our weekly modules/readings and is able to articulate those connections in a more obvious way than I can.

In terms of webpage layout, I also found that his was similar to mine as both of ours are the standard web spaces provided by WordPress.

Linking Assignment #3

Like Greg, I am turned off by websites that have spelling mistakes and if I notice one for a product I am looking for on Amazon, I look elsewhere as I find it less trustworthy. Even on social media, I have similar feelings when someone tries to post something very insightful but then makes a spelling mistake or uses the wrong “you’re”, I instantly take what they’re saying with a grain of salt. However, many people are able/willing to turn a blind eye to these errors.

I enjoyed the humor/commentary that he adds to his posts as it makes it more engaging to read through. His connections with pop culture also make the reading fun.

Linking Assignment #4

Task 7: Mode-bending

This was a great idea by Sarah that I feel would be a great start of year activity for students as a way to introduce themselves. One thing I wonder is if students would feel like they need to add different sound effects to make their daily life sound more exciting or would they all be okay with their days sounding routine and very similar to others? I think it would be fun for the class to guess what each sound effect represents and could lead to lots of laughs and good community building!

Linking Assignment #5

Task 8 – Golden Record Curation

I really enjoyed reading Ian’s selection of songs as I am someone with zero musical background. The only instrument that I can play well is a recorder. Reading his justification based on his knowledge of classical music was fascinating as it added more depth for me for why those 27 songs may have been chosen in the first place.

Linking Assignment #6

Jenn’s speculative narratives were very interesting and entertaining to read. The idea of subspecs would be a great piece of technology to own and I would love to see it in production in the near future. Even when watching English movies or YouTube videos, I turn on subtitles to make sure that I don’t miss any of the dialogue. I am often annoyed when I turn on the YouTube autocaptions as they are often inaccurate so the 95% accuracy that Jenn’s infographic shows would make a huge difference! Her second speculative narrative which counters the effectiveness of the subspecs was also very interesting to read as it showed a different perspective and helped me see that this invention wasn’t all positive.