Linking Post #3- Task 6: An Emoji Story by Erin Marranca


I’m going to present this link a little differently this time. Erin and I had a little discussion on her blog post which I’ve included below here:

I really connected with Erin’s work, the detail that she put into it, and the reflection that showed the decisions she had to make while attempting to convey the ideas behind the film. Reading back over our conversation, I’m reminded of how easily a selected emoji can detract from the overall message if it leads to ambiguities, and how certain emojis can give everything away so easily if unique enough, or if used in unique combinations with others. This has made me think back to some of the other emoji stories my classmates put together, so what I’ve decided to present to you here are what I found were a few of the dead giveaways when reading my classmates’ emoji stories: (Chelan H)

Lion + crown –> has to be Lion King  (Jasmine P)

“Small” + city, cornfields + aliens –> gotta be Smallville (Judy T)

rat + chef –> As another classmate put it, there aren’t a lot of movies about rats and chefs…definitely Ratatouille.



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