Task 9: Network Assignment Using Golden Record Curation Quiz Data

This is my first time opening a file using the Palladio app. I have seen one instructor use something similar to this app a couple of semesters prior. This instructor used a program to show us how instructors see participants’ activities throughout the semester and who the participants interact with the most, and which participants are more engaging throughout the discussion. I find the Palladio app quite interesting and my initial glance at the results reminded me of the 6 degrees of separation which was created by the social psychologist Stanley Milgram in the 1960s. Stanly Milgram wanted to show that the world is quite small and that most people are only 6 connections away from knowing one another. However, there are still many debates and research on the theory of the 6 degrees of separation. I digress, back to the Palladio app. The reason why I said that the Palladio app reminded me of the 6 degrees of separation theory is because when I analyze the results, I could not find any results with fewer than 3 links. The image below is the least amount of connectivity I could find:

The image above showed the result of numerous adjacency matric where there is only one connecting node (Systems Innovation, 2015). For example, the connection between Peter and Megan for Track 7. There is also a couple of walk path. For example the connection between Judy and Peter from Track 20 to Track 26 then ending at Track 17.

The degree of connectivity is quite high for the next image, partially I believe it is because we are only to choose 10 musical pieces out of the 27 that are available. The higher the node, the more information we can get, both clearer or more complex, from this experiment (Systems Innovation, 2015). Take the image below for an example, there is a relativity high degree of connective among 4 participants with a wide range of music pieces varying from instrumental to traditional indigenous piece.

Lastly, the image below is quite interesting. There is high connectivity among the 5 participants, yet, there are also many musical pieces that are completely out of the loop:


Systems Innovation. (2015, April 19). Network Connections [Video file]. Retrieved from https://youtu.be/2iViaEAytxw

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