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Nathan B’s Manual Script and Potato Printing

Nathan chose to showcase his potato printing experience through a YouTube video which was the complete opposite of my choice for this activity. For this activity, I opted for the manual script and I wrote tirelessly for a page and a half. Surprisingly, both Nathan and my work used up using around the same amount of time. Printing was especially difficult for me as I don’t scribe much and I had to constantly take breaks in between writing to rest my fingers. That was why I’ve used up 30 minutes for this task. However, Nathan filmed his process, edited his video, and uploaded his work onto YouTube. Overall, I’m sure he must have taken more than 30 minutes to complete this task. Meanwhile, we both came to the same conclusion which was that it is unimaginable how much time and effort people put into printing beautiful prints that required so much labour (Harris, 2018). Nathan pointed out some of the trial and errors he had to do through the process, not realizing the prints come out backwards for example, and had to make many adjustments through the experience. For me, I had many internal thoughts going through my mind as I scripted manually. It was so much work for me to try and print neatly and I’ve been writing for decades, even though in the past decade I’ve relied heavily on computer typing. It must be very difficult and tiring for young learners, kindergarten to grade 2, to be limited to write using a pencil only. All the while they are still developing their fine motor skills.


Harris, B. (HOST). (2018, February 5). The Printed Book: Opening the Floodgates of Knowledge [Audio podcast episode]. How It Began: A History of The Modern World. Retrieved from

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