Task 9: Network Assignment


Palladio was a great tool to use that shows us the connection that each of us had in our song choices. My first impression with the network visualization was that I noticed all of our names within the inner circle of the network. My name seemed to be fairly close to the centre which I assume means that my choices had more connections to the choices of others. This would typically indicate that my choices and opinions are among the more popular choices and/or more agreed upon by my peers. The main concern with the “null” choices in this scenario are the implications that may seem to make the less “popular” songs less important. This is certainly not the case for a number of reasons. Firstly, the sample size of our class is far too small to accurately measure the importance of our choices. Secondly, each person’s opinion varies and the selections of songs may be deemed more important for different reasons. For example, the songs from Bach emphasize mathematics in the music. Some people may find this feature more valuable than a song that has lyrical story-telling. Furthermore, language plays an important role as well. Is classical music more popular because of the ability to be understood by any race or species? Overall, this visualization is but a small portion of the overall data. The results showcase and highlight important information and is a good preliminary step into analyzing network data.


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