Link 1: Task 1-What’s in my bag

Linked with Liana Ranallo

For this task, I simply took a picture of everything from my bag laying on the floor, followed with an extensive list of text-based explanations. It is very straightforward and probably the least creative. My users are just expected to look at the picture and scroll down the webpage to read the words.

Later, I realized this form of presentation privileges reading and writing literacies and assumes my audience can all read and write at the level of my text expression. It ignored those who might be visually impaired, who do not speak English, and those do not share the same level of knowledge. I tried to add less words, so the webpage doesn’t look too busy. However, when I looked at Liana’s image for everything from her workbag made with Genially, hers already looks more engaging for the audience adding the interactive feature.

From just looking at the image, I guessed that she’s also a teacher, and later confirmed I was right. I like how users can hover over their mouse and click on the buttons on each individual items to see a more detailed explanation. However, by using this format, she assumed her users are equipped with certain levels of digital literacies to know they should hover over the mouse to the buttons to click to see the expanded windows. In addition, I thought it would be more engaging if she could include some audio and visual components, such as videos, her own voice, images; while she used just words to explain each item.

Another reason why I chose her site was because I actually ended up creating an interactive image using Genially later in Task 7 myself for mode-bending purposes. In my interactive image, I tried to include different modes of audio, video, images, animations as a form of digital storytelling, to be more inclusive of my audience who assumed to have this level of digital literacy.

I also felt connected to Liana’s post as we both used the same theme on WordPress. It’s a fairly old fashion blog format, but it is well-suited for word-intensive posts.

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