Link 5: Task 10 Attention Economy

Linked with Junel Lapinskie


I thought I was one of the slowest to complete the game, then I realized a few of my collogues actually didn’t even make it to the end after visiting their blogs. I took a screenshot of the page marked with a timer and someone dancing, assuming it is the end. Again, the image was followed by paragraphs of written reflection favouring reading and writing literacies.

While looking at Junel’s page, she posted multiple screenshots about some key steps throughout the process of the game accompanied by her thoughts. It feels like I’m walking along the game with her while she explains further. I see that she was also annoyed by the constantly popping-up timer clocks as I did.

If I get a chance to do a similar assignment, I would probably use videos. I would be interesting to use software such as Loom to record my screen while I play the game and also use the front camera on my laptop to record my face with a verbal explanation. I thought that would be more engaging for users to see the level of frustration based on my facial expression and my voice and tone. They can experience the game with me and watch how it tricked me and all the mistakes I made.

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