Link #3- Nick’s Task 4- Manual Script

Nick’s Website:

There are a few similarities between Nick and my assignment including we both chose to write a manual script and we both discussed using a preferred pen when writing as it makes the task easier and more pleasurable to complete. If you visually look at Nick and my assignment you will be able to tell right away that Nick is more well practiced at writing by hand than myself.  My writing is printed and looks messier and more rushed. Nick uses cursive writing and aesthetically his writing is much more pleasing to read and look at. As explained in Nick’s reflection he chooses to write by hand often and enjoys the process. I explain that I am pretty choosy when it comes to writing and only do so when the process is easier than typing.  I explain for example, I like to take notes by hand as I can connect ideas in the format of a mind map. Nick explains he prefers to write tasks like emails via typing but doesn’t explain why.  I can assume that emails are a task that he does not care to put as much effort into or that the quantity would be overwhelming to complete by hand.

Through comparing our tasks I have learned that preferences to use manual writing versus typing can be very personal.  There are a variety of reasons why one person might choose one form of writing over another.  Nick loves writing and finds it enjoyable and in comparison I don’t like to write and sometimes can find it painful. We choose our mode of writing through our thoughts on ease of process and task outcome.  We choose our more pleasurable mode unless the product dictates a method that is easier.  

After exploring Nick’s blog I have had some personal reflections on my own blog.  Nick has his blog set up a lot like mine which is very simplistic and visually plain. I have added a few more features in terms of a home page and a picture on my home page.  However, the grey backgrounds we both use are not super aesthetically pleasing to the reader.  It also appears that we both have chosen to create many tasks using written text. We both don’t have very many interactive features, or features that include audio-visual components.  Multimodal components can help to engage the reader and perhaps I can look to include more audio or visual components to engage the readers.

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