Task 1: What’s in my Bag?

Task 1: September 8th, 2022

This is the bag my mama bought for me in 2019 and I have been using since then as it is small and easy to carry around. In this bag, I have my wallet, phone, hand sanitizer, hand cream, Vaseline, keys, and Swiss Army knife. I need my wallet in order to hold cards and my phone so that I can stay connected with others. I started carrying hand sanitizer after the pandemic started in order to clean my hands. I have always carried Vaseline as I use that as my lip chap and started carrying hand cream since constantly washing/sanitizing my hands irritates my skin. My house keys are for my place and the Swiss Army knife is for times when I’m out and need to open and/or cut something. These items might be considered text because they often have text on them. In most packagings, there are usually text on it (whether that be the brand name, a quote, design etc.) The items in my bag inform others that in my day-to-day life, I do not need much to enjoy myself and am organized (only bringing what I really need to be comfortable). When thinking about the course, I would say that my phone and credit card are the “text technologies” in my bag as they are able to provide text information to myself and others using technology. They both allow me to create and share information and ideas with others (eg. social media, reading, posting, blogging on the phone; the cards in my wallet allow me to purchase things that enable me to do the things listed before). These items give the idea that I engage with others largely through technology. I make plans with friends and family using text technologies. I do not see it as the main form of communication, but an aide in helping plan face-to-face interactions. The items in the bag do not say too much about the literacies I have as I do not showcase it. I prefer reading paper books and interacting with text on larger devices at home away from distractions. However, if I am posting things online with my phone or messaging others, this showcases my “text style” and literacy style. Though, the way I communicate and the type of literacy language I use with others depends on the context and relationship. For example, when it comes to employers and meetings, I would use formal language. When I am speaking with friends and family, I use abbreviations and informal language. Furthermore, the items in my bag show others the image I have of myself. I don’t like clutter and am organized and simplistic. I only need what I consider necessities in my daily life to be comfortable and happy. Since I am only 25 years old, my bag would have been very different 15 years ago. I probably would have not carried anything but Vaseline and cash. Archeologists who may look at my bag in the future may imply that I lived during the pandemic as hand sanitizer was not a popular thing to carry beforehand. Furthermore, they would hypothesize that skin issues/care was of importance as I have two items that involved moisturizing.

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