Task 4: Manual Scripts

Task 4: September 28th, 2021

In elementary school, I usually wrote by hand. When I got to high school, I would write by hand in class but typed out my assignments and essays at home. Currently, I only type and rarely write by hand. I found this task a bit difficult as my hand started cramping up not even a few sentences in. My hand was getting sore trying to write my letter neatly and at a consistent speed. When I made a mistake, I crossed out the word that was wrong and then wrote the correct one next to it. If the mistake was easier to fix, I would write the correct letter darker and on top of the incorrect letter. I edited my work as I went along, stopping and pausing to look each of my sentences. The choice of media did not play a part in how I edited my work. I have always edited my written work as I went along. I feel that the most significant difference between writing by hand and using mechanized writing is the fact that my hand has to move across the page as I am writing manually. It requires more movement on my part than if I typed it out. When I am typing, the only thing that is moving a lot are my fingers. Furthermore, my whole hand is participating in typing while writing manually only allows for one hand to be in use. I prefer to use the mechanized form of writing because my writing is not the neatness. Instead of focusing energy on writing neatly, I am able to get more words down and change it up more easily when I am typing. Lastly, writing mechanically catches any spelling errors that may be in place and edits my work more easily.

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