Linking Assignment #3

Task 4: Manual Script

We had very similar answers to the questions regarding the manual script. I noticed that we use technology to do most of our writing. We both started to have hand cramps after writing for a short bit. I wonder if this is because of the lack of use of the muscles in our wrist primarily. Just like working out, if we don’t use certain muscle groups often, they can easily get sore due to the lack of motor units and lack of endurance. The one thing that differ between me and Kirn was that she engaged with writing more during work and in her private life. For me, I stopped writing manually after high school for the most part. If I wrote by hand, it was because I had to (eg. In-class essays, midterms, exams etc.)

We both used ink pens and crossed out errors that were made and wrote over it when possible. The one thing I noticed is that Kirn mentioned that if this was formal writing, she would have used white out. Based off the teachers and professors I had, they say that regardless of what you are writing, you should just cross out the word and refrain from using white out. The reason if I recall was due to plagiarism. It was never fully explained to me, but all the teachers and instructors I had always told us to cross words out and not to use white out.

I liked what Kirn said that physically writing requires certain brain processes. Typing requires a different skills and processes. I mentioned in my post that I do not have the best printing. My printing has always been on the messier side and typing allows for me to worry less about my printing skills and focus more on the content. I wonder if things will change 20 years from now. Will students even require to learn how to physically write? Would everything be digitized instead? Or are the foundations of printing fundamental that this will always be part of education?

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