Linking Assignment #7

Task 8: Golden Record Curation

Derek had a very different reasoning for curating his list of 10 songs. He picked with singing (voices) in it. He also mentioned that there were 11 singing songs, so he narrowed it down to 10 based on different languages/cultural backgrounds. For me, I picked songs based on different cultural backgrounds and genres. It is interesting to note that people appear to have different criteria’s. I wonder if this is because of personal thoughts, cultural backgrounds, or some other reason? What makes one person categorize things differently than another (if left to their own accord)?

He mentioned that human voice is unique and that is similar to what I said. However, instead of focusing on human voice, I focused more on culture and how the same species has so much variation.

Both of us touched up on wanting to show variation in different cultures and not wanting to repeat songs from similar cultural backgrounds. Derek brings up a good point that his list is more Euro-centric, which is something I also noticed when looking at the Golden Record. I think its very important that we noticed it and try our best to showcase various cultures because there is such a wide range of them on Earth.

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