Linking Assignment #1


When I saw the site Karen created, I was in awe. Visually, it was very engaging and more appealing in my opinion than UBC blog sites (sorry). Karen used to create her site. One key thing I noticed about Karen’s site is that is allows for you to link it to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and copy the link. Furthermore, it shows the amount of views and comments on it. This differs from UBC blog as I can only see the comments that get posted on my page. Karen has also used this site for her other courses, which is engaging as I can see her previous works! For me, I make a separate site for each course instead of connecting it. I may want to start a site than incorporates everything I have done so I can see my previous works all in one place. This can allow for me to see progression in my thinking and understanding of things.

The one thing that stood out to be about Karen’s experience is that she prefers to used audio text/audio recordings over written text when communicating using her phone. I know that this is particular popular in Asian countries (I am inferring from personal experiences and observations). In China, WeChat is the most popular social media app used to communicate with others. Often, when I am talking with my relatives, instead of using written text, we use audio recordings to send messages. Like Karen, I find it easier to communicate with others via audio recordings.

One thing that differs is when I use it. Karen appears to use it as the main source of communication. However, for me, I only use audio recordings when I am using WeChat. If I am using a North American platform, written text is my main form of communication. I do not know the reason behind the differences, but I believe it is due to the fact that I speak better Mandarin than I write (I have to often use Google translate to pick the right characters when I am typing a message). I speak with my grandparents the most, and they do not type often, if at all. Instead, they always communicate orally. There is possibly a generational difference in communication that leads to different communication modes. Also, my relative usually speak in Shanghainese dialect, which makes them have more meaningful to conserve with those who understand a unique dialect. From weeks 3’s readings, it demonstrated that oral language differs significantly from written language. There are key features of oral language that cannot be transferred over to written language. Written language can take away meaning or make wrong interpretations of meaning. Written language allows for others to have lots of interpretations, while oral language has less wiggle room.

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