Task 6: An Emoji Story

For this post, I definitely relied more on words and ideas. For most of the emoji’s I would type into my emoji tab on my iPad to see a list of emojis that come up for that particular word I typed in. When there weren’t any emoji’s that came up when I typed a certain word, that is when I would manually look through the emoji list to see which one gives the best portrayal of the message I am trying to get across. Sometimes, I couldn’t find an emoji for the idea/word I was trying to get across. So I would find an emoji that closely portrayed the word or idea I was trying to display. Often, I realized I had to use a combination of emoji’s to showcase one word or an idea. Finding the combination of emoji’s can sometimes be time consuming since I am trying to think about how the reader may interpret what I am trying to say. What may make sense to me, may not be for another. That’s why my main goal for this story was to make it as simplistic as possible while capturing the major events and ideas within the plot. I also relied on the context in which the emoji’s were used. For one of the emoji’s used in my story, there is a more accurate emoji that could have been used (when referring to the word associated with the emoji). However, currently, one of the other forms of the emoji is being used to advertise it, which means that the meaning would be more profound if I stuck to what is being used to advertise it across platforms.

I started with the title because I believe it helps aide the reader in developing a sense of what the story may be about and provide some identification. A title can provide a glimpse of what is to come. Of course, sometimes there are titles that do not match the plot at all. However, in my case, the title gives more context to the story line and provides hints to the reader.

I didn’t choose the work based on how easy it would be to visualize. The plot of this story is something I recently interacted with and really enjoyed. The whole plot resonated with me and I really enjoyed how the writer wrote and directed the characters in the story.

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