Linking Assignment 3 – cheeky twine

For this post I’m linking Kristin’s Twine experience with my own.

Kristin and I had a similar experience putting our Twine together – it was much more time consuming that we thought and in the end we both felt our Twine’s were fairly basic. I really enjoyed the background images as I felt they added such beauty to her story. As someone who grew up on a farm (although a dairy farm with no pigs), I can totally related to the trials and frustrations of chasing escaped animals!

Both of our stories are simple and slightly cheeky/funny but have many layers and possible directions to follow. Kristin’s story has a few different endings, but they all end with the same phrase “all’s well that ends well.” I decided to have all of the paths in my story end with the same outcome – so my story starts and ends the same place no matter which choices you make. I found it difficult to link to my common ending for some of the paths, so I had to edit my text to better lead to that point. It would have worked for me end my paths in a similar way to Kristin’s – maybe on my next Twine!

In looking through Kristin’s blog I really like the theme she chose (almost to the point where I want to change the theme on mine!). I love the colours and the way the tasks and assignments are on a tool bar on the right – I find it makes it more obvious when looking to move to another section or page.

Our home pages are similar – a running list of our blog posts. I find this a bit harder to follow on my blog and prefer to use the toolbar to access the tasks on her page. I have just been adding each task as a new post, but I’m feeling like I need to play around with my page to make it easier to navigate like Kristin’s.

I find her blog interesting to read as it is informative, insightful and filled with pictures and links, which as a new MET student I appreciate! Thanks for the insight Kristin!

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