Task 2 – Does Language Shape the Way We Think?

After reading Lera Borditsky’s  article this week, I was intrigued.  I found myself making connections to my own life and learning, asking myself questions to further understand and relate to her writing. When this task was annotating her SAR lecture, I knew I would have many points to connect with. 

I found the annotating process quite easy, although there were times I needed to re-watch segments to collect my thoughts. Only one other student had annotated the video before I did, so I found myself reading her thoughts while considering my own. Now I see many others have annotated the lecture and I have enjoyed reading their comments and questions.

2 Replies to “Task 2 – Does Language Shape the Way We Think?”

  1. Hi Margaret,
    I was the fourth to annotate and I really enjoyed reading your comments and found that I shared similar observations and questions that you had. I found the activity very informative and reflective. How did you like the CLAS platform? Do you think this is something that could be handy for you professionally?

  2. Hi Kristin!
    I thought I had replied to you a few days ago, but my internet is brutal and sometimes things don’t save/post! Ugh …

    Thanks for the comment. I really did like the CLAS platform. I found it made me stop and take the time to relate her comments and ideas to my own. I think it would have been even better if a few more people had commented so I could review their thoughts as well.

    I don’t know how if would work with my high school classes. It would be a great way to encourage discussion throughout a video, but I would worry that the keen kids would have no problem commenting and the kids that are less engaged may be intimidated and hesitant to contribute.

    But it may be worth a try!


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