Linking Assignment 2 – neat printing and hand cramps

For my second link, I’ve chosen Sasha’s Manual Scripts task to compare with mine.

I related to Sasha’s post because I experienced a similar issue when writing out my story – physical pain from writing for an extended period of time! While my issue was that my hand went numb, Sasha also needed to take regular breaks to stretch out her hand. It’s crazy to think that we used to write everything by hand ….

Another interesting similarity is we both made a conscious decision to useĀ  pen. This speaks to the permanence of our text and how we both knew we were committed to the words we were putting on paper. My response as a “diary” type entry would not have necessarily required a ton of revision, so I even more so admire Sasha’s writing ability.

Both Sasha and I are teachers, yet we vary greatly in our penmanship. My writing is usually legible, but it can get messy and I find it difficult to keep in a straight line (especially on a whiteboard!). Sasha has beautiful, clean and clear writing, which means that her carefully thought out words are always legible for the reader to understand. Her clean writing and thoughtful words effectively portray the message she is sending. Maybe this is why I am not an elementary teacher and she is!

Sasha’s writing and reflections for each task are scholarly and thorough, yet still easily understood and relatable. I appreciate this as a “newbie” to the MET program – I haven’t had much time to brush up on the academic speak that fills so many journal articles where I have to read them twice. She has added an audio component to most of her tasks, which ensures added understanding for her readers.

The organization and theme of our blogs differ – my blog’s main page is a run-on list of all of my blog post, while her’s is her intro. I think that is a great way to greet people visiting your page as our backgrounds and “real” lives can provide so much insight into our posts and reflections in an academic sense.

In general I am finding it difficult to preview all of the blogs of my classmates because they are so varied – the limitations set out for our blogs allow for some flexibility, but I feel that we could offer much more if we were able to set up the blogs however we wanted. To have all tasks and linking assignments on one page can make everything look like it runs together. I prefer the set up that Sasha has with each on a separate page.

I think I link to Sasha’s blog also because we are both mom’s to two lively boys and we spend the majority of our spare time in the outdoors! It’s amazing to think how well we can connect with others completely online!!

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