Blogging in the bush …

A quick note before our first video chat today. We are hunting at my father in law’s cabin near our home and I had to snap this photo. We have one bar of cell service and because of my courses, I brought our wireless Hub (sitting on the stump) from home that works off of cell service. So I am writing this sitting outside the cabin, at the fire drinking a coffee. Well it is nice these days to escape technology, it is sure nice to have both worlds at times. Plus, the Hub will be shut off once the video chat is done! What a world we live in….

A crash course in blogging…

I’ve always thought about starting a blog or website to help communicate with my students and parents – I just never knew where to start, but here I am! It will be a steep learning curve but I’m hoping this course will help get my feet wet in the world of blogging and sharing my thoughts and assignments online.
I’m open to thoughts and suggestions – let me know!

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