Linking Assignment 1 – embracing our mistakes

For my first linking assignment, I have decided to link to Jamie’s blog as I was inspired by her Potato Printing task.

Jamie’s blog: 

Scrolling through Jamie’s blog, I sense that she is a writer. Her posts are simply organized, but when you click on a post you are instantly exposed to a beautifully written, thoughtfully laid out reflection to a task. I admire that she is always adding additional links and content which encourages the reader to delve deeper into the topics. She takes the time to ensure readers are connected to her thoughts and experiences, connecting us to information that we may not have read otherwise.

This week I was surprised to see her focus on the potato printing task! I enjoyed that she did include a piece on her written work and will admit that I am jealous of her ability to write and create such engaging notes for her MET courses. I think as a function of someone who travels and works remotely, writing is probably something that Jamie spends her time on, while my writing is serves a purpose for work, school or the committees I volunteer with. I just get the words on the paper and am not very good at organizing my thoughts. Writing is not something that comes easily for me, so I think that’s why I connected with her post.

Jamie’s blog differs from mine in theme, but also because she adds many extra elements that I don’t know that I could do as this if my first time using WordPress. I like that she is able to break up her posts with photos, quotes and links to external readings. I find this makes her posts easy to follow and read.

As for the potato stamps, I admire that Jamie persevered when the R was backwards! It’s something that I do a lot in my teaching – when something doesn’t go according to plan in my Foods class while I’m doing a recipe demo, I just embrace it. I point out to the student where I went wrong and explain what I can do to fix it! Luckily with most recipes there’s a solution that doesn’t involve throwing everything out! I think this is a lesson that many need to learn in life – things are not perfect. We all stumble at times, but it’s how we pick ourselves up that shapes us into the people we are today. Embrace your mistakes and move forward!

Thank you Jamie for inspiring me to be better!

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