Linking assignment #6 – Twine speculations

For my final linking assignment, I am comparing Carla’s Task 12 with my task 12. I have chosen to link with Carla’s speculative future because we both chose to use Twine to deliver our narrative. While unsure of Carla’s rationale to use Twine for this task, I thought Twine was the perfect platform to easily showcase multiple narratives.

Carla’s Twine was a captivating narrative. Her speculation of Andre and Maya’s interpretation of this experience in this course led to very different futures. While Andre’s Xcell concept is frightening, there is something believable about it! I appreciated Maya’s rationale thought – it is quite like my own ideas in that they aren’t too far fetched! The highlight of the Twine though was the fun speculation that Ernesto will soon be the MET program director! I guess his scholarly lurking finally paid off!

Carla’s Twine was more story-like than mine. I tried to keep the writing concise on each page and supplement with sound effects and photos. I enjoyed the effects Carla chose, but did find that when the hyperlink was mid-paragraph, I would sometimes click the link before I read everything! And then there was no back button and no restart option at the end. This meant I needed to re-open the link to go through the game again to choose Maya after first choosing Andre to get the job!

Looking through Carla’s blog, her posts show exceptional thought and clarity for each task. Her posts are well written and always supplemented with a video, link or relatable gif/meme. I think I remember in one of our first video conferences she mentioned that this is her last MET course. I just began this program in January, so I have often looked at her posts and seen the experience and insight she brings in from the other courses she’s taken.

When reading her introduction to her blog, she mentions the unexpected twists and turns yield the most rewarding experiences. I wonder if she is referring to this program and her experiences throughout her journey. In only 8 months, I’ve already seen these twists and turns (being in the middle of a pandemic probably helps with this!).

Carla’s blog layout is similar to mine, with a running list of posts on the main page, allowing easy access to each by scrolling down the page. I appreciate how she also organizes her blog with the menu across the top of the page. Her mutlimodal posts make use of many of the affordances of WordPress – hyperlinks, video integration, etc.,  all leading to a rich experience for the reader.

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