Task 1: What’s in your bag? Link to Esther’s Post




I chose to link my task 1 “What’s in Your Bag?” to Esther’s post about the contents of her bag. My post and Esther’s post are similar in the sense of posting the contents of the inside of our bags that are so representative of the stages of life we are both in. The contents of Esther’s bag is comprised of absolute necessities for her three small children, while mine is less in the form of necessity and more item’s I prefer to carry. The contents within her bag are representative of her life as a mother and I think that’s beautiful and inspiring, to be raising three young daughters and taking on a Masters program is amazing! Items in Esther’s bag serve purposefulness; some items with extreme importance such as her children’s epipens are items she certainly can’t go without. In contrast, my bag surely does have items I can go without carrying for a day, as they are not as important. What I do note as a common similarly between Esther’s bag and mine is the presence of phone charger and cell phone. As I’m sure several other classmates have these items in their bags, this commonality really demonstrates the shift of the widespread dependence we all have on our devices and how we want to ensure they don’t run out of battery, in order to allow for continual use. We rely on technology – to communicate, to read articles, to take photos, to organize our schedules. The evolution of these types of devices has enhanced our ability to communicate, take notes and record daily tasks, that it almost seems impossible to imagine life without one.