I thoroughly enjoyed this task, as it gave me a new outlet to be creative and re-invent previous work. It challenged me to think “outside of the box” and convert everything I was trying to describe in task one’s static photograph. The benefits of using mode changing, is it allows for multiple means of expression, which I really enjoy as a student myself to use various means to express what I have learned. Through this assignment, I got to use a completely different type of media to submit the same content with more creative freedom and expression. Through the audio version of this assignment, I could be more expressive and explain the context behind items through story telling versus typing them out. The benefits of mode changing, particularly for this assignment is, I felt I could describe more in-depth what I use the items for by verbally talking about each item and my feelings towards why I use them. This version felt more personable and descriptive. Through changing the mode of representation verbally speaking about what’s in my bag, I didn’t have the comfort of looking at the photo, thinking and then typing out or revising what id want to say. Instead, everything was just verbally on the fly to be the most authentic as possible, I didn’t want to read off a “script” or a paper instead to just organically speak as it came to me, which is difficult to do. This particular challenge I feel is repeated in the previous “Task 4” where I noted the way typing on a computer allowed such ease in make changes and manipulations to what I have typed on the screen, can certainly not be duplicated orally. In contrast, in terms of an assignment where the end means is to truly get to know someone, I think this oral version I have redesigned is more personal and has the ability to get acquainted with someone versus reading a written passage.


To complete this assignment, I used multimodal methods of visual, linguistic and audio designs to demonstrate my mode of meaning. The visual, audio and linguistic modes of design work in tandem to fully represent and tell my story of what is in my bag and why. This version can contain tone, my personal voice and my ability to orally story tell which is an interesting design change to the original photo design.

Below is my re-designed version i created a Powtoon video with a voice over!