Link #3 – Emoji Story – Linking to Rika


I chose to link my emoji story task to Rika’s emoji story, due to our similarities but also some new knowledge and understanding I gained from visiting her post.


When choosing the emoji’s to best describe the plot of our choice it seems both Rika and myself solely relied on replacing words with emoji’s – to use images to replace words and produce our ideas in a visual format. Neither of us relied on the emoji’s to replace syllables or verbs, rather tried to use emoji’s that meant what we were trying to say. Since we interpret and understand some symbols differently, its difficult to decode Rika’s emoji story – as I’m sure mine was as well. What is the most interesting about Rika’s interpretation of this task is how she points out the sequential nature of the use of emoji’s, which I never thought of. Even though we are communicating via visual pictures, we are using them in a way that we would write, and I find that really interesting. This allowed me to think deeper into this task, i didn’t even think about the directionality of  placing the emoji’s it was just natural for myself to do it left to right. Technically, using the emoji’s to record what i was trying to write, is a new sort of writing system however i reverted exactly to the way i write using words or type, moving from left to right which i find extremely interesting, would not have realized that without Rika pointing that similarity in sequential directionality.