Link #6

Detain / Release Algorithm

Linking to Anna Rzhevska’s Task 11 Detain/Release

Reading Anna’s take on Task 11 made me fully realize I misinterpreted myself what I though the algorithm was in the simulation! I assumed the risk factors were the algorithms that were being produced to influence my decision; I never thought to think that the repercussions of the choices I made were caused through the algorithm – which would have made me possibly question my choices while within the simulation. I can agree – the algorithm was super unreliable, I didn’t matter who I jailed or not, there would always be a defendant who wouldn’t show for their case or would commit a crime. The risk assessment of the algorithm is just so unknown so it made it hard to determine who to jail or detain. As Anna also has noted, the simulation sort of was targeted to make you waiver on your decision, its hard to determine what the “right” answer is when the information you may be receiving is biased.