In preparation for our final assignment, we have been asked to review some speculative design projects. My attention has been drawn to the article about HuperHuman.

It is argued in the article that because of the AI revolution, we will move towards a more meaningful world with the help of clever machines. Hyperhuman is a speculative design project that is said to bring more potential benefits to our everyday lives and society in general. A replica of a near-future fictional environment was created by IDEO, which showcased five working prototypes of machines allowing visitors to interact with them. Interestingly, such machines were exploring not only humans’ purpose but also how we interact with each other taking into consideration social and cultural nuances. They were seen as collaborative tools that could potentially amplify human strengths and qualities. Here is the description of the five “miracle” machines:

Purpose Compass
The user describes their current job and with the help of the game-like interface, the machine helps them navigate the future where their skill set is being taken over by AI. In the end, the user has a better idea of what their future career path would look like.

In my opinion, the purpose compass will hinder human’s full potential.  If the machine already knows the end result, it mush be programmed in a certain way. What if it is misleading and someone does not achieve their goal? Does that mean their life purpose if not fulfilled? Why should we let machines decide for us and dictate what our future will look like? What happens if we choose to change our life purpose?

Creativity Mixer 
The user describes their personality and the machine helps them create a visual identity of their choice. The aim of the machine is to unlock creativity and help humans create their own brands.

Once again, humans, in my mind, are the most creative creatures on Earth. Our full potential and creativity are within ourselves and we should not look for it in the machinery. We need to find ways on how we can develop our full potential and unlock our  creativity. Technology should only be used as a supplementary tool to do that.

Empathy Writer
The user chooses from two personality attributes to describe themselves, and two for their letter recipient out of 36 emotion tiles. The machine writes a love letter that takes into account the emotional states of the writer and the recipient.

If this is how the letters will be written in the future, love will become artificial. Of course, the machines can be programmed in such a way tha they will be producing the most loving, empathetic, and caring letters ever! But is it truly what you think and feel? Are they true representations of your own feelings and emotions?

Belief Checkout
If you want your beliefs and ethical values to be considered, provide this information to the machine and your shopping list will be generated accordingly.

Who else has access to the infroamtion about your core beleifs and values? Where is it going to be stored and how will it be used? What is you shop for a family that has people with different core values?

Expertise TV

The machine helps you find the gaps in your knowledge and connect you with like-minded people to help you fill those gaps and take action.

Is it possible that the machine is biased and will prompt you to take the action that benefits  someone (e.g. its developer?)