Task 8: Golden Record Curation Assignment


If I were to weave my own story and select 10 songs from the Nasa’s Golden Record list, it would probably look like this:

14. Melancholy Blues – The type of music and how it is recorded provides a glimpse to the audience that life haven’t always been this advanced, and humans evolved from recording songs using limited to very advanced technology. It also speaks to the history itself… it hasn’t always been happy.

21. Fairie Round – While history haven’t always been great and humans make a lot of selfish decisions that impacts evolution, there are also good times and those moments should be celebrated.

24. Flowing Streams – Speaks to the many innovations that sparked from this country. The paper for example was made by using streams of water and pulp from bamboo and wood. innovation does not have to be loud, but it can impact the world in a great way.

  1. Brandenburg Concerto (First Movement) – I adore classical music and many of which originated from / inspired by European countries.  This also includes a variety of string instruments that follows the same sheet music, which is quite unique.

3: Percussion (Senegal) – On the opposite end, this one includes percussions that follows along with the same sheet music to create music that people are able to get up and dance to!

8: Men’s House Song – I wish to include this as controversial as the title may be, but the world is still a men’s world. While there is an effort to strive for equality in all senses, there is still a lot of room to explore.

23: Wedding song – While this song is about a woman not wanting to get married, there are still a lot of people wanting to find true love. In the past, marriage may be created as a trade / monetary reasons,  this technology has now evolved into something very different. People can choose their partners and choose to stay with them forever because of love. This song shows that marriage is evolving and men and women can learn to depend on each other for more than just financial reasons.

5: Morning Star & Devil Bird – Again, not everything is positive in this world. Just wanted to show a contrast to the happy times, there are still wars ongoing. What seems to be the truth on 1 end… may not be in the other side.

12: Tchakrulo – Going back to the point where people depend on each other. I chose a song sang by the choir to illustrate the point that together as a species we can still make beautiful music if given the chance.

Track 13: Panpipes and Drum (Peru) – Chose this song because it has the style as the first song, but it is heavier on the percussion side. It represents that we can somehow made our own history with our current technology, and whoever is listening to this track, hopefully they will be able to listen to what is here and build upon / innovate to this list of music.

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