Task 7: Mode-bending


Wow, what a change this week. I don’t have much experience with audio design so it was quite challenging! In fact, I already used a pretty high quality microphone. However, it was a great experience to put The New London Groups ideologies into action and see what can be produced.

Have a listen and let me know what you think!


Hello and welcome to my “What’s in my bag assignment”, version 2. After I finished reading the paper written by The New London Group, I was fascinated by the idea that we as people live in vibrant and multi-layered life worlds. These realms of social activities are labelled as work life, public life, and private life. Each of these layers can interlace with each other. In the educational context, educators have to adapt to these “3 major realms of social activities” of the learners. While we try to discipline and transfer skills and knowledge in a traditional way, we must also adapt an inclusive and multimodal approach as technologies continue to advance.

For this version of “What’s in my bag”, I wish to focus on 3 distinct audio designs of the same music piece called Azalea Town. It is written as a background music piece of a Pokemon game I played during childhood. Please enjoy and tell me what you think. 

So, what do you think? The reason why I chose this sound, rather than having sound effects of each item that is in my bag, is because it depicts my childhood and the culture I surround myself in. There is a 10 year age difference in each of the sound clips so it represents 3 of my life worlds. Each song is released in a game that has 2 versions which represents my dual-nationalities. 

In terms of the music, the first has a traditional 8-bit style in the Gold and silver game produced in 1999. It is played in a MIDI format when technology is not as developed. This represents the mechanical things I have such as keys, tissues, masks, etc. that can be used in my work lif. 

The second clip is a remixed version of Heart Gold and Silver produced in 2010. The technology used in this is more modern, so the sound design is smooth and easy to listen to. This represents the laptop, mouse, charger, that I can use to develop my public persona.

The third clip is a jazz rendition of the same sound clip produced in 2023, close to the end of the pandemic. After the pandemic, most people wish to meet in person and do fun things together. The Crochet set depicts this as I like creating fun projects with people of any culture and demographics. 

Even though the style of the song evolves as each year passes, the melodies and the written music are the same. Similarly as each student evolve into a new version of themselves each year, they still carry their own histories and biological make up. We as educators should adapt and design new ways of teaching while keeping the traditional content historically accurate.