Task 12

Utopian Speculative Narrative

Sandy has always loved her heritage home. She bought the home in 2051 and it was originally built in 1948. She is part of a community of heritage homes that makes up a large part of her neighborhood. Walking or driving through the neighborhood is like going back in time. The craftsmanship, the décor, and the gardens in everyone’s yards are truly beautiful. However, heritage homes come with a lot of maintenance. Thanks to AI, the issue of low supply of trades people who specifically worked on these homes has been solved. Back in the 2020’s, one would have to find an electrician that was comfortable working with the old wiring. Even worse was finding plumbers. Heritage homes are full of copper pipe which has been long replaced by the various hybrid forms of polyvinyl chloride. AI machines have been developed to scan walls, and recognize construction and fabrication methods from specific eras. Surprisingly, once these machines were developed it became a footprint for similar machines that become devoted to the modern home. So, Sandy can enjoy a walk through her neighborhood full of heritage homes. Then, when she enters an area full of modern houses, townhouses and apartments the upkeep is just as evident. To this day, she continues to enjoying strolling through beautiful neighborhoods with building styles from various decades, and even centuries. All buildings and properties are perfectly maintained and held to that standard with little to no human involvement.

Dystopian Speculative Narrative

There was a lot of change during the fifteen years following the initial outbreak of Covid 19. From 2019-2034 education was “reborn.” During the first few years students were jumping between in school and remote learning. After the first couple years, AI Educators were released. These were AI robots that went in to the classroom to replace teachers. Students then came to the school in very small groups for small working sessions. The idea was to have small groups receiving intense instruction for a short period of time. Time slots ranged from early in the morning the late in the evening. The AI robots were capable of delivering regularly scheduled lessons that would require a large amount of prep work for a teacher. The traditional teacher observed online to make sure everything was on track, record findings, and provide the AI with additional instruction if need be. Presently, in the year 2053 a large portion of the students who received the new education are now in the work force. The now adults, are suffering from social anxiety at a high rate. These adults, while receiving a strong education were not given the social environment that school had traditionally provided. Now they are doctors, nurses, lawyers, business owners, etc. that are unable to connect with their patients, customers or colleagues.

Sorry for the dark story everyone….