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Link 1: What’s in Mel’s Bag?

I encourage you to take a moment to check out Mel’s take on Task #1, where she represents herself using the objects in her bag.

I appreciate her work on this task for a number of reasons. First of all, as she states, she currently doesn’t carry a daily bag. As a result, she has carefully curated objects that represent herself and her interests. In some cases choosing objects that may not necessarily be ones that she uses on a regular basis, but that represent her interests. It was interesting to contrast this approach with my own, which was to present the many items that I carry each day. I wonder about the “authenticity” of either approach and which would allow others better insight into who we are as people. There are certainly many interests and values of mine that are not represented by what was in my bag, and I’m sure there are things about Mel that are not represented in hers.

Secondly, on a much more personal level, it was very interesting to get to know Mel more outside of our relationship as classmates. We have previously worked together on a group project in September that had an extremely tight deadline once the course started. As a result, we worked together efficiently to complete our work and didn’t have a chance to get to know one another, or the other member of our group. It’s interesting to reflect on the fact that we spent many hours collaborating on work together, and having to trust each other, without knowing much at all about each other. As a result, I really enjoyed the opportunity to get to know Mel more through this task!

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