Not only is Erin’s emoji story wonderfully done, but her thoughts about picture writing and the challenges of representing plot using emojis are interesting and thought provoking.

I especially appreciated how Erin broke down one of the scenes into greater detail with emojis. She stated in her post that she felt she was doing a better job describing it with words, but her emoji choices above gave me the same impressions as her words did, so she really did an amazing job with the emojis. I felt what she was describing later when I first viewed the emojis. I completely understand that representing each scene of the film in that depth of detail would be a huge task, but I wish it could have been done.

Despite how well she did here, I still have no idea of what film it could be. I don’t watch many movies so I’m assuming it’s one I haven’t seen because I can’t help but assume that had I seen the film, I’d be able to name it based on the incredible emoji story laid out.