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Task 6: Emoji Story

I have to admit that I was a late adopter when it comes to emojis. Perhaps out of snobbishness, I found them unnecessary and made a deliberate choice not to use them. 

That changed nearly overnight when I moved to Egypt. There, Whatsapp was the platform of choice for communication, and even much of my professional communication was over Whatsapp. And not only that, but much of this communication was in English between people with many different language backgrounds. Most of the people I was texting with were Egyptian and spoke Arabic, but there were also Canadians, Americans, Russians, South Africans, Nigerians, and Germans. Messages without emojis were often perceived as being rude or curt and I quickly adapted to including one at the beginning of text conversations to help convey my tone. After living there for three years, the use of emojis while texting has stuck with me.

Since then, I have continued to use emojis, some might say fairly prolifically. For fun, I went into my phone to see what my most recently used emojis are and I was not surprised by what I found. 


Had I  been asked to predict my top 10 emojis, most of these would have appeared. These are the ones that will convey my mood or tone. For example, “Great staff meeting today” and Great staff meeting today ????????????” read very differently, though the words have not changed. 

In creating my emoji story, I found it difficult at times because emojis I thought existed, didn’t, or they weren’t exactly what I wanted. It took some effort to generalize the plot a bit more in order to find the appropriate emojis to convey the plot points I was focusing on. There was also the issue of hoping that some of the emojis would mean the same thing to others, which I hope I achieved here, although there are a couple that I’m not sure about.  In any case, good luck, and I hope you can decipher it! 




















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