Mark Pepe’s ETEC 540 Course Site

Just another UBC Blogs site

Link #6: Twine Task – Jessica Presta

Jessica’s Twine Task My team has informed me that I have made the wrong call… too many times! I was really engaged in Jessica’s cardiac arrest scenario game even though I know nothing about that field. I even made some connections to Miall & Dobson (2001). While going through her game I thought that this […]

Link #5: Speculative Futures – Liana Ranallo

Liana’s Speculative Futures Task Wow! I absolutely loved Liana’s work on this task the video of both dystopian and utopian futures were very engaging. I also have to mention her vocal performance where she used tones and inflections to contrast the two possible futures. Using the video format was very captivating because it allowed for […]

Final Project: Describing Communication Technologies

The Development and Use of Machine Translation: Past and Present. Introduction I am writing on machine translation (MT) because I started teaching modern languages this year and I found that all of my students were using Google Translate both successfully and unsuccessfully for reading and writing. I am curious to know why that is, and […]

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