Linking Assignment #5


Victoria Cameron’s Attention Economy

Victoria’s recording of her experience stood out to me. While most of us opted to write our reflections, she recorded hers. I suspected everyone in the class experienced some level of frustration testing out User Inyerface. However, Victoria’s video did not reflect her frustration. On the contrary, she seemed to be in good spirits, and if I had watched her video before trying to complete the task, I would have precisely known what to do and even enjoyed the task. 

Victoria’s recording is a neat method to provide efficient real-time reflections. I thought of those countless times I went through YouTube videos for how-to tutorials. While trying to imagine how she got this brilliant idea, a sudden eureka moment came over me. With my students, I have been struggling with demonstrating how to redeem an e-book voucher over Zoom. Needless to say, those demo sessions have been far from effective, and I often despair over my students’ limited abilities to follow instructions, or so I thought. After watching Victoria’s video, I laughed at my misconception about my students. Now, I think it is the experience of watching me demonstrating without them following through the steps and/or the interface of the school bookstore’s website that is not user-friendly. Perhaps it will be even more effective if I were to include “Things to watch out for using book vouchers.”

Now, I am feeling that I will spend less time replying to students’ emails about how-to’s next term 🙂

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