Linking Assignment #1


Natalie’s What’s in your bag?

The first thing that caught my attention was how organized the items in the picture of “what’s in Natalie’s bag” are, and instantaneously, I assumed that she must be a naturally tidy person. My curiosity was further piqued and (I had to confirm my assumption) when I noticed how she systematically listed all the items according to row numbers. Natalie’s bag is also very different from mine. Specifically, mine is a minimalist edition with very few items, whereas Natalie’s has many items in hers.

Further, I found myself nodding along as I read Natalie’s thorough analysis of the items in her bag. When she pointed out that one’s location significantly influences the items carried in a bag, I reflected on how my bag is transformed depending on where I live, and the season we are in. For example, when I was living in Malaysia, I would not leave the house without a small fan in my bag. Also, back then, I would pack pocket tissues, hand sanitizer and wet wipes in my bag. My bag in Malaysia would have housed the same items throughout the year- We only have either rain or shine- there is no need to even dress according to the weather, let alone pack the bag accordingly. In contrast, living in Raincouver now, a small fan is not necessary in the bag, especially not in fall or winter. Instead, with us battling with strong winds and heavy rain these few weeks, an umbrella has become a staple in the bag.

I also appreciated Natalie sharing her thoughts on the different types of literacies she engages in. Something that I completely had not thought of, she added literacies in the form of music, food and even cosmetics and fragrances to the list! I am certain I will regret it if I do not mention how proud I am to be able to guess correctly that Natalie has “always been a particularly clean person.” Lastly, I must say that I enjoyed reading Natalie’s post, and it is really wonderful to be able to “know” her better through the content of her bag.

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