Tasks 4-6

Task #4: Manual Scripts

This activity was a practical experience for me as I am used to writing by hand. In high school and university, I took handwritten notes in all of my classes which provided me with many hours of practicing how to write neatly and efficiently. I was also taught how to write in cursive in elementary school which has aided substantially in my ability to confidently write my ideas down on paper. Now, as a teacher, I do much of my planning as a hard copy on paper first and then transfer my ideas to word or google documents to make it look neat and aesthetically pleasing to the eye. I find jotting my ideas down on paper are the first step in my brainstorming process; however, with that being said, I don’t often free write by hand for personal pleasure. The aspect of free writing like I did in this diary entry was much more difficult for me in a creative sense, but I was completely comfortable with writing my entry by hand.

When I made a mistake in my diary entry, I simply wrote over the word or letter boldly and left it at that. I often write in pen like I did in this entry and I find that tactic works better for me than using white out. I have never been one to use white out as I think it makes my work look even messier as it often turns the pen a different color and sometimes even makes the mistake stand out even more. I edited my work as I went to make sure my ideas flowed before writing my next idea down.

I believe the most significant difference between writing by hand and mechanized forms of writing is thoughtfulness. When writing by hand, I believe there is much more reflection and brainstorming that takes place before the writing can begin. This is because of the much larger window for making mistakes than mechanized forms of writing where you can just press backspace. Even though I am pretty comfortable with writing by hand, I still prefer mechanized forms of writing. I prefer this form of writing because there are unlimited options on how you can organize your ideas and thoughts, much less pressure in making mistakes and it doesn’t make your fingers and hands cramp up like writing by hand does!

Task #5: Twine task

Here is a photo of the twine I created:


Here is the link to the silly twine I created called “What Should Moose Do?”


Task #6: An Emoji Story



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