Monthly Archives: July 2022

Task 10: Attention Economy (Optional task)

For this task, I completed a short game called User Inyerface that brings users’ attention to UI design in a frustrating way. From the very first moment, User Inyerface effectively used design tactics to throw me off. The game sends … Continue reading

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Task 9: Network Assignment Using Golden Record Curation Quiz Data

Introduction For this task, I am taking a look at the data produced by ETEC 540 66B in regards to our previous Task 8 Golden record assignment. The data has been run through a network-visualization tool called Palladio. Getting started … Continue reading

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Task 8: Golden Record Curation

Introduction: For this assignment, we were asked to curate the record Golden Record, a physical record created in 1977 by a team of experts in their respective fields to show through sound (and a few visual etchings) the vast experience … Continue reading

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Task 7 – Mode Bending: ASMR Redesign

When beginning to brainstorm this project, I had a hard time thinking about the redesign process as proposed by the New London Group (1996) and how I could use those principles to redesign my task 1. It was important to … Continue reading

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