Linking Assignment #3

The next post I am going to link to is Jacob’s emoji story.

Firstly, I am going to share the comment I posted on his blog site:

“At first, I was like what is the title?!….Then I said it out loud. I see what you did there. Very clever. It is almost like that game where you say the words on the card that look like gibberish, but then when someone hears it, it sounds like something you know. I then glanced and skimmed the emojis and saw the hand gesture and alien heads which confirmed the tv show. I only saw it when I was younger and my older brother would watch it so I don’t know the storyline or plot, but I was able to guess it right away just from the title and some hints.”

Jacob and I both did TV shows, however he did Star Trek and I did Squid Game. First of all, we both used different emoji pictures. I used the ones from Apple on my iPhone. Jacob, on the other hand, used a different program. Using a different emoji program made it more difficult for me to understand the story because I had to really look at the emoji to determine what it was. For example, some of the facial expressions were hard to figure out as the eyebrows and hands were not as prominent as the ones from Apple. 

What I do wonder is how Jacob decided on these images. Did he type in a word to find the emoji that he wanted? Or did he just scroll through all of the emojis and pick one that seemed to sum up what he was trying to explain?

I also believe that Jacob summed up the entire storyline of Star Trek which, to me, is a very difficult task to do as you have to make sure that all the details and information are correct. Did Jacob recall all the events that happened from start to finish? Or did he look up the episode summaries to refresh his memory? I know that when I wrote out the emoji story for Squid Game, I decided to just do episode one since I felt like this emoji story would be much too long and complex. After I completed the emojis for episode one, I then wanted to make sure that I was not forgetting anything, so I googled the episode summary and it allowed me to add an event that I missed. I wonder if Jacob did the same thing. 

Jacob mentions that the “usage of these emojis does not necessarily follow any standardized set of meanings, how someone approaches these visuals can seriously diverge their understanding from my intent” (para. 3). This is very true and something I had not considered. I feel like if a person who has seen this TV show understands which show it is, they will be able to figure out what the emojis are trying to explain. I also believe that even if two people were to do the same show in this emoji form, they would have completely different outcomes. Even though the plot is the same, it may have derived a different meaning. 



Jacob (2021, October 17). Task 6 – Emoji Story.

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