Linking Assignment #5

I decided to explore Amy’s Task 10 on Attention Economy.

Oh yes, the Attention Economy Task. I feel like I have a love hate relationship with this User Inyerface.

Amy had the same problem that I encountered while trying to get past the first section on this, so called “game.” She had problems with not being able to have a password that was safe enough to continue on. My first question about this is, what browser was she using? I found that in order to progress in this “game,” I had to change browsers, and then I was able to move on from that password error. Did she try switching browsers? I don’t think so. I did not think of this until I came back to my school computer a few days later. At work, I was having trouble with playing audio or something along those lines, however when I switched browsers, it was able to work. So I just figured this was the problem with this game and I was correct. On my computer, Chrome was able to work, whereas Safari did not work. I wonder, too, if this has to do with any updates that are needed to support different sites. I like how in bold, she puts that she even tried using a Cyrillic character, which I tried too. However, I found that adding a Cyrillic character did not matter.

I wonder how Amy would have done if she was able to complete the first section. Would she be able to get through the game or would she encounter other problems?

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