Linking Assignment #2

The next task I am going to link to is going to be Grant’s Twine Task.

The comment I made on Grant’s task was:

“What a great Twine, Grant! It was perfect. It made me feel like I was down by the water. The sound effects allowed me to feel as if the experience was real. It made me feel calm and happy. My dog was even intrigued when he heard the seagulls. I like how you made it simple and fun to play along with. The pictures allowed me to visualize everything on this adventure, from being on the water, to going fishing, and then having my peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Best of all, I succeeded in this narrative game with one try!”

His story and mine are on completely different ends of the spectrum. His reflects that of a day on the water filled with whatever you choose. Mine, however, is a spooky, suspenseful thriller where you die with almost any choice.

Grant’s twine story is simple and easier to understand and navigate. Mine, on the other hand, is more complex and leads you down many paths. Throughout his twine story, Grant uses mainly two options for readers to choose from which makes the narrative game straightforward and effortless. As well, to me, the choices seemed to be made for readers to use their common sense to figure out which was the better path to take. I was able to go through this game once without having to try again because I made smart decisions along the way. If we reflect back to the twine game I created, mine is presented in a way that is more complex. For the most part, I provided three paths for readers to choose from which, I find, increased the anxiety of the reader since there were more uncertain paths to choose. My twine game was more so luck of the draw as there were many choices that ended poorly for the player. 

In Grant’s twine story, he added sound effects which allows readers to pretend that they are actually on this adventure in real life, whereas mine did not as it would have taken me way too long. According to Bell (2020), when sound effects are used in twine, the mood is set through the ambience. As well, Wharton and Collins (2011) describe that sound is able to influence the enjoyment and interpretation of the narrative game. This is absolutely true as the sound effects in Grant’s story allowed me to enjoy the game in a calming way. Bell (2020) also states that the sound and music throughout the twine allows readers to feel either less or more anxious and their heart rate is affected. Again, with Grant’s story, I was able to feel less anxious about the choices I was making and my heart rate was slow and steady. If I were to add sound effects into the game I created, I feel like there would be many emotions going through the players, their anxiety would be through the roof, and their heart rate would be elevated. I know that if I had more time, I would have been able to allow players to experience the game in a more realistic way that would affect their mind and body. 



Bell, K. (2020). Training perceptions through play: A case for building interactive autoethnographic experiences through Twine. In Silva, Adriana de Souza e, & R. Glover-Rijkse (Eds.), (1st ed., pp 47-64). Routledge.

Wharton, A., & Collins, K. (2011). Subjective measures of the influence of music customization on the video game play experience: A Pilot study. Game Studies, 11(2). Retrieved from


Linking Assignment #1

The first linking assignment I am going to reflect on will be Braden Litt’s potato printing.

I decided to focus on Braden’s potato printing task as it was completely different from mine. Firstly, I am going to share the post I made on his task. 

“I never thought of writing the whole word on one potato. That was genius of you! You only had to waste one potato whereas I used five small potatoes and cut them in half. It must have been challenging to carve out the entire word mirrored. Did you end up having to start all over with any errors that you made? Or did you just cut the potato down and try to save it?

If I did an entire word on one potato, I would have had a difficult time making them all uniform. When you noticed that some were uneven, did you notice after stamping it with paint, or just by looking at the potato before printing?”

As mentioned in the post, Braden wrote his entire 5-letter word on one potato compared to the many small potatoes I used by cutting them in half. This is the first indication that my colleague’s experience was different from mine. If Braden were to make a mistake with the letters that he printed, he would have to completely start again. Whereas with my letters, if I were to make a mistake, which I did, I only had to redo that one letter. He had to pay close attention to the unity of all the letters, making sure that the height and widths were consistent. Again, if he were to make a mistake and make one of his letters shorter than the rest, the stamp would not have been complete as one of the letters would have been barely visible.

Initially, Braden spent time planning how he was going to create his stamp. This was a smart idea so that he would catch any mistakes prior to starting the cutting. As for myself, I just visualized the letter’s shape in my head before cutting out the letter. I wonder if I were to pre plan my approach, would that allow for less mistakes to happen? 

Finally, Braden wrote all of the letters in lowercase compared to mine that were all uppercase. This makes me wonder which approach was easier to carve out. I know that I wrote mine in all uppercase because I thought it would be easier with more straight lines compared to curves. If Braden were to carve out all uppercase letters, he would have avoided doing curves all together as all of his uppercase letters would have been straight lines. We also did words that were dissimilar. His word was “whale,” whereas mine was “words.” We both had the letter “w,” however, the rest of the letters were different. I wonder what made him choose the word “whale.”

Task 6 – Emoji Story

This week’s task encouraged us to create an emoji story based on a recent movie, television show, or book. If you are following trends right now, you will know exactly the story I am portraying. Below is episode one:

This process was fun yet challenging. I wanted to focus on the main ideas and plot of this episode and I believe I captured them quite nicely from the available emojis. I started with the title as it seemed easy to figure out. I decided to also add a flag so that readers could understand where the show was filmed and in what language. Throughout telling the emoji story, I focused more on ideas and what would best capture the main elements of this episode. I found that focusing on words and syllables became lengthy and was not effective and conveying the plot. When using the emojis for ideas, readers are able to explore their creative thoughts to figure out the representation.

I wanted to make sure that I captured the characters as best as I could, however, not all nationalities are represented in the emojis. I also noticed that within emojis there are not any families that are biracial or any that represent a step mom or step dad.

There are also many emojis that are not included in the available selection, such as a real guns, dead bodies, a business card, sleeping gas, different clothing options, facial masks, and other objects.

What I really enjoyed about creating an emoji story like this is that I did not have to worry about punctuation or spelling. It was all focused on the visual aspect of a story. I did however, split up the main moments of the episode so that readers could obtain a better understanding of what I was trying to represent. For breaks in the moments of the story, I was able to use spaces to signify this.

According to Bolter (2001), he discusses “ekphrasis sets out to rival visual art in words to demonstrate that words can describe vivid scenes without re­course to pictures [, … however the] attempt to make words do what pictures do might be taken to mean that pictures are primary and words secondary” (p. 56). Also, Bolter (2001) states that, “the relationship between popular films and novels is further proof that the visual is now regarded as primary” (p. 56). This is also the case for when students are just starting to learn how to read. In order to read, we must understand what the picture is describing before we are able to understand the meaning of the word. Therefore, I do believe that images come before the text. Bolter (2001) also points out that students who are young are able to “follow the story and become accustomed to the linearity of reading before [they] can actually decipher the letters that constitute alphabetic writing” (p. 54). In my Kindergarten class, students draw out their story before they learn how to write the words. With this task, the emojis allow us to make meaning of a story without using words by focussing on the visual aspect of storytelling. This task and other visual stories, allow for there to be a universal understanding without the need to translate the visual meaning into multiple languages. The visual representations also remind me of IKEA instructions. All of the instructions contain pictures that are universally understood, making the instructions useful for all.


Bolter, J. D. (2001). Chapter 4. Writing space: Computers, hypertext, and the remediation of print(2nd ed.). Mahwah, N.J: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. doi:10.4324/9781410600110

Task 5 – Twine

If you click the Twine Project below, you will be able to download my Twine, called What Lurks in the Night?

What Lurks in the Night – Twine Project


Making this twine was tons of fun and I think I got carried away just a bit. 

I decided to create a twine that was spooky and fitting for October and Halloween. Scary movies are one of my favourite genres to watch as I love to get scared every once in a while. Also, I think that horror films prepare you for what not to do in real life. I believe that the pictures create a visual for players to feel as if they are actually experiencing this in real life. The photos that were added to my Twine were collected from Pixabay and Shutterstock. Adding sound effects and background noise would have elevated this twine even more. There were many times that I went into my story and edited text to make sure it was just right. When I thought I was done, there would be something else that I would have to add which then added more pages. I had to make sure that everything flowed just right; that it was spooky, engaging, and challenging, as there is only one path that leads you to the right level and it is strictly by chance. Perhaps this was all a dream. Perhaps there was nothing out there at all except for Larry who was kicked out by his wife. The point is, we don’t really know what is around the corner and sometimes it works out and other times we are just playing by chance. Even though you DIE, you can still return to previous pages to try to find your way out. I also must add that YouTube helped me out a lot in figuring out the coding for images, the mechanisms of the text (movement and colour), and adding sound. For the amount of time I had in creating this Twine, I was unable to put in the sound effects and music as it is a lengthy process. As well, I started creating my Twine in Safari, resulting in the html not saving in proper format, therefore I had to learn how to convert my Twine story from Safari to Chrome without losing any data. I was so nervous I was going to do my work but YouTube saved the day once again.

I also wanted to share the story statistics as I found it interesting to see. As you can see, there are 17, 775 characters, 2298 words, 32 passages, 56 links, and 0 broken links (Yippie!). 

Throughout my Twine story, the technological advancement of writing a story is seen as different actions may cause different outcomes. This reminds me of the movie called, The Butterfly Effect (2004) which showed the audience how the way in which one reacts to an encounter and scenario (aka: variables) can change the final outcome. The interactive ability that is built within this twine story shows how the text can create meaning. Also, the rules and instructions of this twine story can play a role in how stories are created online. With my story, there are many encounters where players have to make a choice even though they do not know what the future holds for them. The unknown creates suspense for the players and allows them to feel emotion while getting through this story, that ultimately they have created with their choices. 

Twine uses the hypertext concept as it allows creators to make their story by linking the pages together. Twine allows there to be links from one page to another with easy skips and flows between different pages that lead to a preferred outcome. The creator is able to see the connection of links compared to the reader, however, Bolter (2001) states, the “links [between pages] constitute a path through a virtual space and the reader becomes a vis­itor or traveler in that space” which is a magical experience (p. 29). In the video by Wesch (2007), he shows us how information is shared, stored, critiqued, and created from shelves and drawers in the

library to scroll through information on the internet. Text has definitely changed from words in physical books written in such a linear fashion, as Bolter (2001) describes it as a “complete or closed verbal structure,” to a circular, more organically arrangement with the use of hyperlinks (p. 77). As humans, we rarely stay on a straight path, there are always obstacles, wrong turns, hazards, celebrations, and journeys that we encounter, making our life full of different shaped lines, turns, curves, circles, and u-turns. According to Bolter, (2001), he stated that Ted Nelson viewed hypertext like it was “natural to the mind,” which is how I also believe it to be (p. 42). Sometimes I feel like I have a hundred pages opened up in my mind, however, I always seem to circle back and reuse my thoughts that are stored in my head. Finally, Bolter (2001) proposed that using hypertext can allow players/readers to access all the text quickly in a way that a physical printed book is unable to do, therefore the hypertext allows the content to be flexible and interchangeable. 


Bolter, J. (2001). Writing space: computers, hypertext, and the remediation of print. New York, NY: Routledge.

Wesch, M. (2007, October 12). Information R/evolution. [Video File]. YouTube. 

Task 4 – Potato Printing

Was there something particularly challenging in the process?

The five-letter word I decided on using for the potato stamps was “words.” I wanted to write the word letters but “words” was the next best thing. As a Kindergarten teacher, words are all around: on the walls, in books, on their paper, their names, etc. This is why I decided to choose this word. The first two letters, “W” and “O” were simple and straightforward but it took time to craft it how I wanted it to be. As I finished carving out the letter “R,” I showed my roommate how beautiful my “R” was and he said, “wait a minute, when you stamp that, it is going to be backwards.” Of course, with this process I then realized I messed up. I had to then cut it out in reverse so that when I did stamp it onto the paper, it would be correct. Another challenging part of this process was creating curved shapes with the knife. Thank goodness this mistake happened with just the “R” so I only wasted half of a potato. I knew that with the S, I had to mirror it.

How much time did it take for you to create the stamps? 

This process of cutting the stamps took about 20 minutes to complete, although I was not timing myself and I was multitasking. Each letter took about three minutes and I had to carve out the letter “R” again. I found myself cutting out all the straight edges of the letters first before tackling the curves and smaller nooks. If I wanted to create the entire alphabet with upper and lowercase letters, I believe it would take me roughly 160 minutes (2 hours and 40 minutes) without errors. Creating the stamp does take the majority of the time. Once all of the stamp prints are done and cut, the ink or paint transfer then takes some time to make sure that the paint is evenly distributed. However, I suppose if one did not want it perfect, they could just dip the letters into the paint instead of brushing it on which would save some time.

Have you noticed anything particular about the letters that you have chosen to reproduce?

I clearly decided to do the letters in uppercase as I wanted to use the majority of the potato. Uppercase letters are also letters that Kindergarteners will learn first before lowercase letters so uppercase letters were my automatic choice. The font I chose is also very standard and is a straight cut as opposed to bubble letters which are simpler to create. Also, I did just notice that those five letters are letters that I see more often than others. For example, my mom’s name starts with a “W,” my dad and brother’s name starts with a “R,” my name starts with a “S,” “D” could be for dad and dog, “W” could also be turned upside down to create a “M” for mom, my sister’s name, and the name of the school I work at, “O” because it’s a shape that is seen daily. Could this be why this word came to me? Or is it just purely a coincidence?


Considering the time and effort that took you to create a 5-letter word, how do you feel about the mechanization of writing? 

The paint I used was a Pine Green acrylic paint as that is what I had laying around. Yeah right, I had a whole bunch of colours as I am a craft freak and an obsessive collector of everything and anything crafty. However, I went with a dark colour as this is what I wanted to use for a bolder look once the words were printed. I lathered on a decent amount of paint so that the entire letter was covered generously. Then it was time to make two copies. The first print was darker and had more paint compared to the second print which was lighter. If I were to do another print, without applying anymore paint, I do believe that the letters would be patchy with the paint. I made the double prints letter by letter as I did not want the paint to fully dry out on the potato. This made the process easier to replicate.

The process and effort it took me to create a 5-letter word was time consuming and tedious. I had to make sure that each letter looked as perfect as possible. I also had to ensure that the thickness was consistent throughout. This entire process was challenging yet exciting as there was some technicality behind creating these letters. According to Bolter (2001), mechanization is involved in all writing as it is a technical skill. I made the letters and printed them onto the paper, they were quite large. However, this was not a concern of mine as this was just a simple five-letter word activity. If I wanted to create a story with these letters, the font would be too large to do so. According to Clement (1997), when Gutenberg and Schoeffer designed their first print, it “turned out to be too large” as they realized that they would only be able to fit so many lines of words on one piece of paper (p. 13). Even printing professionals make mistakes and have to adjust their sizing depending on the task. Like Bolter (2001) says, “each culture and each period has had its own complex economy of writing” (p. 21). Techniques that were used for some periods, will be different from those techniques used now. Bolter (2001) also observed that the mechanics of writing and its popularity were linked to efficient, clean, clear texts. In order to do this, time, accuracy, and efficiency must be obtained. Therefore, beautifully designed, hand-crafted print has faded throughout the years. It may not be as popular now due to the time and effort that is needed, however it is still in use by individuals who want invitations or cards hand-printed.


Bolter, Jay David. (2001). Writing space: Computers, hypertext, and the remediation of print [2nd edition]. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Clement, Richard W. (1997). “Medieval and Renaissance book production (Links to an external site.)“. Library Faculty & Staff Publications. Paper 10.



Task 3 – Voice to Text

Below is my 5 minute long story that I produced using Office Dictation in Microsoft Word. I decided to dictate a story about my summer adventures.

This summer was spent with adventures and memories due to being stuck in another Covid summer we were unable to travel internationally so we had to stay local and travel within British Columbia and that was OK because we were still able to enjoy our beautiful province the first trip that I went on with two of my friends was going to the hobbit house which is what I like to call it on Airbnb they actually had to change the name due to copyright reasons and it is now called second breakfast hideaway so this location is about 30 minutes east of us so use in a city called brides Ville when we drove up to it or we could see was a little mountain and we were shocked because we saw that that was where we were going to stay that was the hobbit house it was a mound not a mountain but a mound of earth that was a home if you’ve ever read Lord of the rings this would be a place that you would want to come to to experience it had the theme of lord of the rings all throughout it as we were there we explored a saw use and enjoy the lake life in the day and at night we would be at the hobbit house looking up at all the stars with hundreds of crickets in the background we stayed here for about a week for the experience I would definitely recommend it once we came back Home to Vancouver it was my dad’s birthday so I decided to rent a couple of the bikes so that we could go on a brewery tour. He absolutely loved it our next trip was back up to a saw use where we stayed at Spirit Ridge at ink Met resort our first full day there was amazing we spent time at the lake had a picnic then we went to the resort to go to the pool and hot tub and enjoy dinner in our room while overlooking the Vineyard the next day we spent the whole day at the lake however around 2 PM we start to see smoke in the sky and all of these water helicopters dropping water onto a fire that was close by around 7 o’clock we went back to our hotel which was out of power due to the whole town of a soy use shutting down their power there was a fire and it was coming closer to us we could see it from our room but we didn’t panic because we knew if we had to get out of this resort they would let us know we kept on watching the fire grow from our window we decided to pack up all of our things just in case we had to get evacuated at 6 o’clock in the morning the phone rang and it was the front Dess telling us that we had to pack our things and evacuate as soon as possible moments later we had the RCMP knocking on our door telling us to evacuate because the fire was getting closer we packed up so fast and fled because we didn’t want to get stuck even though our adventure ended we were sad that the fire was destroying this beautiful land since we all had vacation days left we decided to go to Harrison for a night and ended up kayaking the next day which was beautiful however the Wind was kicking up which made kayaking pretty rough as if we were in the middle of an ocean we then left Harrison and decided to go to Nanaimo because that’s where my best friend lives we explored Nanaimo for about three days it’s funny because then I’m always a city I always pass through and I never explored it however I was able to explore it now and it was spectacular who knew then I came back home to Vancouver for about a week of rest and then decided to go up to Pemberton where we stayed on a farm where we could see the mountains and enjoy a hot tub cold bath and sauna and form animals it was absolutely magical however at night the mosquitoes will attack that was the only downfall of that trip after spending a couple of nights in Pemberton we then went to Whistler to spend a couple of nights there we had a hot tub on the deck of the place we were staying at so we were able to relax as much as we could we even explored Lumena in Whistler which is basically like a light show in the forest we also got to experience the great toad migration we’re all these little toads were everywhere around this one park at Whistler then went back home to Vancouver for a couple of days and then decided to go to Mayne Island where we stayed in a Cobb cottage that had sheep and chickens that would greet you every morning we explored the whole island and it is by far my favourite island that I’ve been to when we were there we got to experience bioluminescence in the water at night every night so you would have sparkles in the water and then you to look up at the stars and it happened to be a meteor shower that night and while we were there so wow it was amazing after coming back from Mayne Island arrested at home for a couple of days and then was at it again I ended up going to Union Bay which is between Parksville and Courtney on the island and we stayed at a beach house so we were right on the beach it was a family vacation one of the days when we were there we decided to hop on the little ferry to go to Denman Island and then over to Hornby Island I really wanted to go to Hornby Island because they say that this one beach which is tribune bay beach is like a little Hawaii so I knew I just had to go it was absolutely gorgeous we also took drives up to Comox and Courtney to explore and of course we couldn’t miss going to goats on the roof in Coombs after this trip we decided to go over to Tofino for a couple of days where we stayed at McKenzie beach and sunsets we’re absolutely breathtaking then of course after this trip it was time to end our fun adventure summer so we headed back home to Vancouver and had a good nights sleep just in time for work the next day 

How does the text deviate from conventions of written English?

While I write my papers, I will sometimes use dictation so I have learned to say “period,” “comma,” and any other punctuation. However this time I did not say which punctuation to use as I wanted to talk naturally as if it were with a friend. The text deviated from conventions of written English as there is no punctuation. There are no sentences and it is just words spewed onto the paper causing one very long run-on sentence. There are also grammatical errors such as capitalization, possessions, spelling, paragraphing and some words were incorrect as they were butchered into a group of other small words. As well, there is no expression that is represented in this story as I did not say “exclamation mark.”

What is “wrong” in the text? What is “right”?

For the most part, most of the words were correct. I was surprised at how many words were correctly written as I am sick currently and my voice is altered so I was expecting there to be many errors. I suppose I speak decently clearly and do not mumble as almost all of my words were correct, aside from a few. I teach at a high ELL populated school so I find that I tend to speak clearly and slowly so that they are able to pick up what I am saying. I was considering this in the back of my mind when I started to use the dictation. I wanted to make sure that I was clear and concise so that the computer would be able to understand me. There are, however, some words that were replaced with other like-sounding words making them the wrong words, such as:

– us so use, a saw use, and a soy use were used instead of “Osoyoos”

– the bikes instead of “e-bikes”

ink Met instead of “Nk’Mip”

Dess instead of “desk”

then I’m instead of “that is”

form animals instead of “farm animals”

Lumena instead of “Lumina”

arrested instead of “and rested”

What are the most common “mistakes” in the text and why do you consider them “mistakes”?

As I mentioned in the first question, the most common mistakes were punctuation and grammatical errors. They are mistakes only because when the speech is put into written text, it is then read differently and may be hard to read. The lack of punctuation is due to the fact that the dictation does not pick up on any pauses or stops that are used in the oral language which would indicate a comma or a period in the written output. There are some words that were misrepresented as they are not the words that were intended to be written out. Ultimately, without punctuation, it does make this story hard to read and understand as you do not know where the sentence should start or finish, or if one idea relates to another.

What if you had “scripted” the story? What difference might that have made?

If I had scripted the story, I think that would have allowed me to add in everything I would have liked to have said. I may have been carried away as I wanted to finish talking about my summer but I was also talking a bit faster than normal to make sure I could mention everything. I also found myself getting nervous as I would pause for a moment to think about what else I wanted to add, so occasionally the dictation would then turn off if there was no voice being picked up. If the story was scripted, I would have been able to do exactly five minutes by adding everything that I thought was essential for this story. 

In what ways does oral storytelling differ from written storytelling? 

Oral storytelling is storytelling that is done in a flexible, causal way where it can be performative and spontaneous. The oral storyteller does not need to worry about making mistakes or spelling words incorrectly. It is about going off of your audience’s reaction while interacting with someone so that you can adjust your story if need be. 

Written storytelling on the other hand is more structured and needs to be grammatically correct

The difference of oral storytelling compared to written storytelling is like what Gnanadesikan (2011) mentions when she states that “writing takes words and turns them into objects, visible or tangible” where they can be “examined, analyzed, and dissected” (p. 4). Whereas oral storytelling “unfolds in time, one word replacing the previous one” just like the telephone game example Gnasnadesikan (2011) shares where messages tend to be different by the time the last person has heard the phrase (p. 3). 


Gnanadesikan, A. E. (2011).The First IT Revolution. In The writing revolution: Cuneiform to the interne. (Vol. 25). John Wiley & Sons (pp. 1-10).

Task 1 – What’s in your bag?

My name is Stephanie Carr and I am taking two courses this semester: ETEC 540 and ETEC 565b. Time sure does fly because this will be my last semester in the MET program. I live on the traditional, ancestral, and unceded territories of the xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam), Skwxwú7mesh (Squamish), and Sel̓íl̓witulh (Tsleil-Waututh) Nations in Vancouver, B.C. At home, I live with my dog, Oslo, and my parents. Recently my grandma, who lived with us, passed away so we are all trying to adjust into this transitional phase which shifted our family dynamics. 

Professionally, I am a Kindergarten teacher who teaches on the traditional, ancestral, and unceded territories of the sc̓əwaθən məsteyəxʷ (Tsawwassen) and xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam) First Nations and all of the Hul’qumi’num speaking people which is located in Delta, B.C. The inner city school that I work at consists of many low socioeconomic and ELL families, and a numerous number of students with behavioural and learning challenges. 

 For this task, I decided to use my everyday bag that I have been taking back and forth to work. Normally I would have a purse, as well, however, I thought it would be more convenient to put my wallet in this Lululemon backpack instead. 


In this backpack, I carry the essentials for what I need every day. 

I have:

o   a Hydro Flask water bottle

o   papers for ETEC 565b

o   papers for ETEC 540

o   a MacBook Pro laptop

o   the charging cable for the laptop

o   Ailihen headphones

o   a bundle of Paper Mate Ink Joy 0.7 pens (red, yellow, orange, light green, dark green, turquoise, light blue, dark blue, royal blue, pink, fuchsia, purple, brown, and black)

o   a yellow highlighter

o   Remove by Friction 0.5 pens (red, orange, green, light blue, dark blue, pink, purple, black)

o   an Artona 2021-2022 Monthly Planner

o   my Michael Kors wallet

o   a handicap sign

o   4 Nescafe French Vanilla powder packets

o   4 Nescafe Original powder packet

o   2 pack of Excel gum (peppermint and spearmint)

o   KT Tape

o   a hobbit house postcard

o   Extra Strength Tylenol

o   Secret deodorant (Completely Clean)

o   10 cool down cloths

o   2 packs of Salonpas (pain relieving patches)

o   a WWMS (Wild Woman Medicine Show) Sharman Infused Headache Relief roller (mint).

What is your daily need for the items in your bag? How might these items be considered “texts” and what do they say about you, the places you inhabit, the cultures with which you engage, and/or the activities you take up?

All of the items in my bag show viewers a snippet of who I am as an individual, what I like, what I need, and what I do. The computer (and charger) indicate that I am studious and use technology to get work done. The headphones suggest that I either listen to music, watch videos, and/or perhaps just need to omit any distracting sounds that are present while doing homework. These items are brought back and forth from home to work just in case I have time at lunch, on my prep, or if I plan to stay after school to do homework. 

 The printed sheets of paper reveal that I am enrolled in two courses. I have these papers in my bag as they keep me on track. I tick off any books read or assignments completed which then makes me feel accomplished. The monthly planner indicates that I may use this planner for organization and to ensure that assignments are completed. I write down all important dates for work and for school. Once they are completed, I use a checkmark to identify that those tasks are completed. The coloured pens suggest that I like to be organized, colour coded, and enjoy writing down things opposed to using an online calendar. However, not only do I have my life schedule written down in this planner, I also have it in my iCalendar on my phone just in case I want to check a due date while I am lying in bed in the dark and do not want to get up to check my planner. As well, the packets of Nescafe may suggest that I need some caffeine, however, these were given to us at our last staff meeting at work. I have not tried them yet but do plan on it. 

There are also many items that indicate that I may have some underlying health issues and need to reduce pain. Items such as the KT Tape which is used for taping my ankle or back. I never know when I need the tape so it is good to have it with me. The Salonpas, which are patches used to relieve muscle pain, are put on my back and neck. Most days I put it on in the morning before work, however if I forget to put it on or I develop more muscle aches while at work, it is always good to have a backup. Tylenol is used when headaches and pain are bothering me on the go. The roll on headache relief stick is used when my headaches are way too much for me to handle and the Tylenol is not eliminating the pain. Then there is the handicap sign. Yes this sign is, in fact, mine. Over the years, I have had to endure three spinal cord surgeries and there have been times where accessibility is challenging. Even now, I still use this pass on those rough days when I am in so much pain that walking is unbearable, however, on those good days, I park in spaces that are for everyone. 

The Excel gum and the Completely Clean deodorant may suggest that I like to smell fresh and clean. This is the truth! Normally I do not carry deodorant around, however on the first day back to work, I felt like I needed to reapply deodorant as I was sweating so much from running around and keeping the students under control. I figured that I might as well keep it in my bag since this year was starting to feel like it was going to be an active one. That pink and white package consists of cooling gel pad towels that my friend’s mom gave me while we were on a trip this summer. She noticed that I was very hot all the time and decided to put one of these on my neck. It surprisingly worked and cooled my body down. She then let me keep the pack to use if I needed it again. 

There is also a postcard that has a picture of a hobbit house I stayed at in the summer. I did not realize it was still in my bag, however I was really happy when I saw it. It reminded me of my summer trips I took around British Columbia and all the fun I had. This place was so cool as it was an earth house. It was inspired by the Lord of the Rings and had many decorative details that matched the theme. 

Finally there is my Michael Kors wallet and the Lululemon backpack that holds all of these items. My wallet contains all of my bank cards, points cards, 2 gift cards (Safeway and White Spot), $50, and many receipts: Costco, places from my last trip to Tofino (distillery, clothing store), dollar store, Banana Grove grocery store, gas station, North Island Wildlife Recovery Association from another trip to the island, Goats on the Roof market, and a restaurant receipt from the Boathouse in New Westminster which was one of the places I went to in August to meet a few friends at. This was the first restaurant I had been to since lockdown in March of 2020. I clearly like to keep my receipts. I also have a small stash of receipts for work that I need to submit. Plus I have my chiropractor receipts in here as I still need to put them into the system to claim them on my medical. 

What are the “text technologies” in your bag, if any? What do these items say about how you engage with language and communication? What do the items in your bag say about the literacies you have? 

Almost every piece of content in my bag has print with traces of digital print. To make things simplistic, I am going to go in order and describe the contents as per the list I made above. 

o   the Hydro Flask water bottle: 

  • This water bottle has the text “Hydro Flask” printed on the bottle, along with their logo. I am not 100% sure how exactly this large company puts their name on the bottle, however, technology is needed in order to do so. A computer is needed in order to develop the logo and write out the company’s name in the desired font. Then a digital printer, such as a Circuit Maker, needs to print out the logo and company name onto permanent adhesive vinyl before being transferred to this stainless steel water bottle. 

o   papers for ETEC 565b and ETEC 540

  • Words on this paper would be produced as such. Firstly, the course instructor would need to type out the course description, outline, syllabus, and calendar using their own technological device. Then, these documents would then be placed on a platform that is accessible to students. Students could then print out the text onto paper using their own technological device and a printer that is hooked up to their computer. I then used my different coloured pens to make notes and to check off tasks as they become completed. 

o   a MacBook Pro laptop

  • This is a technological device that I use to complete assignments by typing text into a document or web blog. Text is also used to send emails, messages, and to research. Also, there is text written on the computer that says MacBook Pro which would have used a computer and printing device to transfer the words onto this laptop

o   the charging cable for the laptop

  • On this charging cable, there is print that provides users with the input and output voltage of this charger. It also has the electronics company’s name on the base of the charger. It says Delta Electronics (Jiangsu) LTD which is the company that manufactures this power supply piece of equipment. This company would also use large printing machines to transfer the text and logos onto this charging cable.

o   Ailihen headphones

  • The brand name is printed on these headphones just like the last few items. Also, I use these headphones so that I can multitask by having the computer verbally read out the written text.

o   a bundle of Paper Mate Ink Joy 0.7 pens (red, yellow, orange, light green, dark green, turquoise, light blue, dark blue, royal blue, pink, fuchsia, purple, brown, and black).

  • There is writing on these pens that would have used a technical device to do so. As well, text written by hand would be used with these writing tools. 

o   a yellow highlighter

  • Again, there is writing on this highlighter that would have used a technical device to do so. Written text is not used with this tool, however, words are highlighted with its ink. 

o   Remove by Friction 0.5 pens (red, orange, green, light blue, dark blue, pink, purple, black)

  • There is writing on these pens that would have used a technical device to do so. As well, text written by hand would be used with these writing tools. 

o   an Artona 2021-2022 Monthly Planner

  • This entire planner was printed out using a company printer which also provides room for users to insert their own text using tools such as pens, pencils, markers, etc, into this planner. 

o   my Michael Kors wallet and contents inside. 

  • This wallet has the words MICHAEL KORS that was cut out letter by letter with gold-tone metal and then glued down onto the leather. 
  • In this wallet there are multiple banking cards that were created digitally by company printers. Each card is linked to a digital banking account, has the bank’s website printed on the back, along with their rewards website, followed by phone numbers to call for customer service inquiries. 
  • There are also identification cards in this wallet that would be linked to digital identification systems. 
  •  The $50 was digitally printed, has text in both English and French, text that is embossed, the name of the significant person on this note, along with their role and years in session. 
  • Most of the store receipts that I have in my wallet were digitally printed. They consist of the company name, address/location, card used, card type, date, time, receipt number, cost of each item, the total purchased amount, whether the payment was approved or declined, the authorization number, whose receipt copy it is (merchant or customer), and the words THANK YOU. A selective amount of receipts do provide additional information, such as the company’s website, store policies, the type of paper used (sustainably sourced, 100% BPA, BPS free), sayings or mottos, and who was helping you. 
  • My chiropractor receipts are done on receipt paper, where the doctor hand writes out the date, my name, amount, the service, his BCMSP number, along with his signature. There is also a stamp that is done with ink and hand pressed onto this receipt. 

o   a handicap sign

  • This sign is digitally printed on hard plastic. On this permit the text says where it can be used, explains that the user must also carry a handicapped card on them at all times when using this permit, rules on how to display the sign, the permit number, which province the sign is recognized in, which way to face the sign, and is hole punched on the expiry date. In my case, FEB and 2024 are punched out, which tell me the expiry date for this sign. As well, my first initial and last name are hand written in black marker. 

o   4 Nescafe French Vanilla powder packets and 4 Nescafe Original powder packet

  • The text on these packets are digitally produced in English and French. Additional information that is provided are the instructions of how to use the powder, the best before date, how to contact the company with a website and phone number, who the owners are, who it is imported by, the ingredients, the weight of the powder, and where to cut open the packet.

o   2 pack of Excel gum (peppermint and spearmint)

  • The text on these packages are digitally printed in both English and French. It has the brand, flavour, ingredients, amount of pieces, expiry date, nutritional facts, contact information, and the product number.

o   KT Tape

  • The text on this package is digitally printed in English and French. It has the colour of the tape, how many strips, length, motto, material, who it is endorsed by (with her signature), social media for sharing stories, video instructions with a website provided, the difference between original and pro KT tape, where it can be used on your body, company’s contact information, where it is made, along with instructions of what to look for if not used properly. 

o   a hobbit house postcard

  • One side has a beautiful picture of the hobbit house which is digitally printed. 
  • On the other side of the postcard, there is a handwritten note from the AirBnB hosts saying, “Dear Lisa & Stephanie, Welcome to your Hobbit Mountain Vacation. Wishing you a wonderful time here. Thank you for visiting 🙂 Christina.” There are also some digitally printed words that read, “In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit…” and Hobbit Mountain Hole, Bridesville, British Columbia. 

o   Extra Strength Tylenol

  • The text on this bottle was digitally printed in English and French onto a sticker and then placed onto this plastic bottle. The text provides information on the strength level, how many caplets, the mg of each caplet, the medical terminology of this pill, what it is used for, ingredients, directions, safety, the company, contact information, and the expiry date.

o   Secret deodorant (Completely Clean)

  • The text on this label was digitally printed in English and French onto a transparent sticker. The text provides the brand’s name, their motto/slogan, the scent, how many grams, directions, warnings, ingredients, contact information, and expiry. 

o   10 cool down cloths

  • The text on this package is digitally printed in Japanese. I have no idea what it says. However, my friend’s mom speaks Japanese and was able to roughly translate the text verbally in English to me. 

o   2 packs of Salonpas (pain relieving patches)

  • The text on this package is also digitally printed in English and French. The text describes how and where to open the package, how to store it, purpose of the patches, where it is made, how many patches, the size of the patches, directions, medicinal ingredients, who it is manufactured by, imported by, and distributed by, along with the expiry date. 

o   a WWMS (Wild Woman Medicine Show) Sharman Infused Headache Relief roller (mint).

  • The text on this package was digitally printed on a sticker and then placed onto the bottle. The text says WWMS Sharman Infused Headache Relief, the scent (mint), the website, amount of liquid, and the ingredients (Chamomile infused avocado oil with the purest non-gmo-organic, therapeutic grade essential oils of peppermint, wintergreen, spearmint, and sweet birch).

o   The lululemon backpack 

  • There is no text that is present on the outside of the bag, however there is a tag inside that is digitally printed in English and French that says the brand name, along with the materials that this bag is made from. 

How does the narrative of the (private) contents of your bag compare with the narrative produced by image you have of yourself or the image you outwardly project?

Now that you have seen inside my bag, you have seen me. However, I would not straight out say that I have had surgery three times or that I need all of these items to make it through my days. If you are close enough to me, you would know, but if you were a stranger or a colleague of mine, you would have no idea. 

What would this same bag have looked like, say, 15 or 25 years ago? 

This bag would have looked very retro. I believe that they still digitally printed the label in the bag, however the font would have been very basic and there would not be as much information as there is today. As well the content in the bag would be completely different. There would be no computer, but rather just a notebook to take notes. There would also be a discman with headphones for listening to music, there would not be all these fancy items that I know use for my pain, aside from Tylenol. Receipts would not have as much text as they do today, the font would be standard across all receipts, and it would be mainly used as a digitally printed piece of paper that had numbers added up. 

How do you imagine an archeologist aiming to understand this temporal period might view the contents of your bag many years in the future?

If an archeologist was aiming to understand this temporal period, they would figure out the time frame in which these items existed if the dates on the receipts and items were faded. They would also determine the period from the type of text and technology that would have been used for digitally printed labels for these items. They would also determine that this bag would be from a place where English and French were spoken. As well, with the contents in this bag, it would be determined that they were a student and that they were able to have an opportunity to study at a university level.