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Tag Archives: literacy
Shifting Economies of Book Production
Shifting Economies of Book Production Today we live in what Bolter (2001) describes as the late age of print, where many texts will never be printed, and will only exist in digital form. However, there was a time when the … Continue reading
Posted in Research Paper
Tagged book production, distribution of knowledge, education, literacy, mobilization of knowledge
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Hangeul and Literacy in Korea
The Evolution of Hangeul and its Impact on Literacy in Korea by Heidi Corbett Back in a time when China’s influence dominated Asia, there lived a king with a heart for his people, the nation of Korea. He worked hard … Continue reading
Cinematic Impact on Literacy and Education
Cinematic Impact on Literacy and Education Timeline by Marc Aubanel, Jessica Dickens & Kimberly Wagner We created a Timeline for our research project which allowed us to use a multi-modal format for presenting our work. There is a combination of … Continue reading
Posted in Research Paper
Tagged cinema, education, literacy
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Dissecting Manga—Between the Images, Texts, Stories and Popular Culture
The visualized work for this research is on The rise of manga is not only a Japanese phenomenon, but an international happening. Manga is seen more as a sub-culture than a literal work. While texts are dominant in other … Continue reading
Posted in Research Paper, Uncategorized
Tagged Comics, culture, Image, literacy, medium, text, writing
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From Slate to Notebook (or From Rote to Note)
From Slate to Notebook (or From Rote to Note) Ashley Bayles and Lauren MacDonald Introduction Albert Einstein took a test designed by Thomas Edison and one of the questions asked him to know the speed of sound. Upon not knowing … Continue reading
Posted in Research Paper
Tagged learning, literacy, note taking, reading, rote learning, teaching, writing
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Commentary on the Psychodynamics of Orality Chap. 3
In the introduction to Walter Ong’s text on “Orality and Literacy” (1982) he indicates to the reader that hindsight is twenty-twenty when deconstructing history. The author explores the idea that we, as a culture, had no understanding of how orality … Continue reading
Tagged Commentary, Commentary 1, culture, literacy, Ong, orality, Orality and Literacy
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The Judgement of Postman: The benefits and drawbacks of technological innovations
Postman introduces his book, Technopoly with chapter one, The Judgement of Thamus, in which he attacks American media and television. Postman’s main argument in this chapter is that new technologies alter the structure of our interests including the things we … Continue reading
Tagged Commentary, formal commentary, literacy, neil postman, orality, school, teachers, Thamus
Teachnology: The Role of Teachers When Teaching with Technology
As technology changes, so do our lives. It is obvious technology changes the way we communicate, but it is also changing our culture in ways we might not realize. We are constantly making a bargain of some sort because for … Continue reading
Deduction or Induction
The course website that we are using applies a deterministic computer algorithm. This algorithm requires deductive reasoning. If A = B and B = C, then A must equal C. This top down reasoning allows for logical constructs where with … Continue reading
Tagged Commentary, deductive reasoning, inductive reasoning, literacy, orality
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The Balance Between Ways of Communicating
Biakolo argues convincingly in his paper “On the Theoretical Foundations of Orality and Literacy,” (1999), that Ong (1982), and others were less than fair in using Plato as their measuring stick for those in a literate Greek culture. He does this … Continue reading →