Task 4 – Potato printing

Potato printing

For this week’s task, I decided to try out potato printing. However, in the spirit of ‘manual scripts’,  I wanted to handwrite all of my notes. After some thought, I decided to try something I’ve never tried before – handwriting on an iPad. It’s similar to writing notes by hand, but has the added perk of easily erasing mistakes and the added challenge of not seeing my word count.

Was there something particularly challenging in the process?

How much time did it take for you to create the stamps?

Have you noticed anything particular about the letters that you have chosen to reproduce?

Considering the time and effort that took you to create a 5-letter word, how do you feel about the mechanization of writing?


Barton, M. D. (2002). Writing space: Computers, hypertext, and the remediation of print. Computers and Composition, 19(4), 499-502. https://doi.org/10.1016/S8755-4615(02)00139-1

Danny Cooke Freelance Filmmaker (2013, January 26). Upside down, left to right: A letterpress film. [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n6RqWe1bFpM&t=1s

4 Thoughts.

  1. WOW! Look at you go. That must have been so challenging carving out handwriting on the potatoes, especially doing it mirrored. That was smart of you to use an actual mirror. I also love how you hand wrote your entire task. Good for you.

    • Thank you, Stephanie. It definitely was a challenge, but I had some fun with it. Writing on the iPad was surprisingly satisfying.

  2. Hi Danya!
    I love the way you have displayed your information in your blog! Your potato print is quite impressive! This is an activity I believe students would love to try.
    What app did you use to write out your notes on your iPad? Did you use a stylus?

    • Thanks, Megan. I agree, a fun activity for students for sure!
      I simply used notepad on my iPad and, yes, I did use a stylus. I’m glad I had one because I don’t think my writing would have been legible without one.

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