Final Project

For my final project I conducted three interviews to ask my students about social media and technology. I interviewed one grade 12 student, four grade 9 students and finally two more grade 12 students. It would have been interesting to gather the male perspective, but I have been working at an all girls school this past year, so I decided to focus on sampling different ages. One grade 12 student identifies as transgender and the other identifies as being bisexual. I mention this not to label them as “different”, but because their identities are connected to how technology has helped them by offering communal spaces as well a non-binary role models. Two of the older students also mention having two accounts (interestingly, just like me) in order to present two personas.

A question that connects all three interviews is the following: Is there something that adults don’t understand about social media and technology? Answers: This is how we connect now! Social media and technology aren’t always a bad thing! We use tutorials and complete class work and group work with tech! This is a part of our lives; it is how we communicate…

In Part 1, we discuss:

  • Using Instagram for two accounts/two personas
  • Discord and Snapchat used for bullying
  • Snapchat being favoured for its erasable messages
  • Concerns about friendship streaks (the amount of days you connect with one person in particular) and how this creates a social hierarchy
  • Difficulty of face to face connection for the younger generation and the subdivides within Gen Z

In Part 2, we discuss:

  • Why students use and don’t use Social Media
  • The never ending scroll
  • Addiction, depression, anxiety, mental health
  • Parents being aware of the dangers
  • The movie “The Social Dilemma”
  • Is YouTube a type of social media?

In Part 3, we discuss:

  • Body image and beauty filters
  • Cancel culture and its connection to social media
  • How the LGTBQ+ connect


Important Vocabulary:

Memes – a funny image or piece of text copied and often altered, spread online

DM’s – direct messages, similar to text messages, delivered through social media

Snapchat – an app that shares photos and videos temporarily (as they then “expire” to servers)

Instagram – an app that shares photos and videos both permanently and temporarily (as the reels “expire”)

Bot – a computer algorithm capable of creating dialogue (although quite unnaturally)

Screen Time – an application that displays how many hours people spend on their phones by breaking the time down per app used

Link to Final Project

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