
I can still remember the first time I “used” a hypertext for the first time. It blew my mind. It seemed like a short cut that was linked directly to my thoughts while at the same time being a research angel by my side. While on one page, usually any questions I had could be answered immediately by clicking on the magic, blue, underlined words. Using them also exposed me to new ideas and deeper avenues of topics of interest than I would have thought to search out on my own. The information that was at my fingertips was impressive and intimidating all at the same time.

“Getting information off the Internet is like taking a drink from a fire hydrant.” – Mitchell Kapor
I agree with the above quote, but I would also add that once you get use to the force of flow, the water is remarkable. However, there seems to be an area that hypertext has not sunk it’s teeth in yet- Fiction. Fiction reading and writing is considered to be the last frontier of the hypertext. There have been some major flops and several reasons for each one.

Use the above headings to navigate your journey. They are automatically in alphabet order, but feel free to chose at your own interest.

You will also find each post to contain a series of hyperlinks to help you explore any of the material further. I tried not to overdo it….I did not want to create a “fire hydrant” effect for you, maybe a strong trickle 🙂

This blog will look at several aspects of hypertext that are connected to ETEC 540 both directly and indirectly.

