Intellectual Production #6 – Prescriptive vs Holistic Technologies


We were to listen to lectures on technology from 30 years ago created by Massey College at University of Toronto, and think about the “media ecology” created from these lectures, and how it functions as a form of educational technology.

Then, skimming Ursula Franklin’s text The Real World of Technology, we were to think about Franklin’s categories of “prescriptive” and “holistic” technologies as applied to educational technologies.

Lastly, a close reading of Chapter 2 of Illich and Sanders’  ABC: The Alphabetization of the Popular Mind to describe “oral technologies” and how they shape thinking, memory and communication in the context of their concept of “memory palace”.

Some additional questions to consider:

  • What differences did you see as you switched from listening to skimming to close reading?
  • Were you able to experience the recorded lecture in any ways differently than when reading the text?
  • Listening takes more “real world” time, so where did spending that extra time get you in terms of understanding?



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