Welcome to this blog where I document my reflections through the semester for ETEC512-Applications of Learning Theories to the Analysis of Instructional Settings lead by Prof. Halimat Alabi.
Learning Objectives
- Critically evaluate and identify underlying learning theories for various instructional practices and approaches
- Use learning theories to reflect and guide your own pedagogical decisions and instructional practices
- Assess and implement appropriate technologies for specific contexts based on identified learning theories
- Articulate your own evolving theoretically-based understanding about how people learn in different contexts
- Evaluate and apply instructional strategies based on emerging trends in online environments
Final Project
For our project, we looked into the Invisible Cultures of Learning in the classroom through the lens of Critical Disabilities Studies. Working as a team, we looked into diversity in various ways; ADHD and the classroom environment, language diversity and curriculum, as well as social relationships on the autism spectrum.