Welcome to this blog where I document my reflections throughout the semester for ETEC540: Text Technologies; The Changing Spaces of Reading and Writing lead by Prof. Ernesto Peña.

Learning Objectives:

  • Consider reciprocal relations between human communication needs, practices and technologies
  • Develop understanding of history of communication technologies and how the changes have influenced communication styles and genres
  • Consider how different media artifacts might be influenced by the medium in which it is presented as per McLuhan’s thesis “the medium is the message”
  • Consider the affordances and limitations of different technologies for knowledge mobilization

Course Reflection

As one of the first classes that I took in the MET program, I enjoyed how there was a lot of exploration and connections made to the course content and creation of artifacts to showcase our learning progress. This course made me reconsider the existence of certain technologies that I had taken for granted, (e.g. the invention of paper and writing) to a new found appreciation of seeing how these technologies evolved and are still being utilized in our current time.

I appreciate the linking assignments as it was an opportunity to see what my peers have created and their interpretation on the assignments, including the incorporation of their own expertise and backgrounds.

Having an instructor with a background in design, it was rather refreshing to see how he incorporated elements of that within the course. Overall, I felt like I was in art class and given the tools to explore and discover on my own!

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